09. Delivery Terms


It allows you:

  • to get the Delivery Term list to use with API 'Sales Order'.

Columns that can be used as filters:

  • Organization

  • Name

  • Active

Actions can be done:

  • list

API Methods:


URL: https://api.socratecloud.com/webapi/rest/delivery/term/list/{version}?startRow={0}&endRow={100}&accessToken={access_token}

Method: GET

Return: JSON object with next format:


"data": [


"Organization": "*",

"Created": "2012-09-12 15:20:33",

"CreatedBy": "SuperUser",

"Updated": "2012-09-12 15:20:33",

"UpdatedBy": "SuperUser",

"Active": true,

"Name": "Cost, Insurance and Freight",

"Description": "cost, asigurare si navlu"



"totalRows": 1
