15.2. Vendor Invoice Line


It allows you:


In order to use this API Method for PUT there must be accomplished the following requirements in SocrateCloud:

Columns that can be used as filters:

Mandatory Parameters when inserting order lines: 

Actions can be done:

API Methods:


URL: https://api.socratecloud.com/webapi/rest/invoiceVendor/line/create/{version}?accessToken={access_token}&DocumentNo={document_no}

Method: POST

Return: line no for success or error message (start with "ERROR: ")

Data format:


    "Product": "001",

    "Charge": null,

    "Description": "some description",

    "QtyEntered": 4,

    "UOM": "Each",

    "ListPrice": 180,

    "Discount": 38.89,

    "PriceEntered": 110,

    "Tax": "19%",

    "Printed": true,

    "TrxOrganizationValue": "VNZ",

    "ProjectValue": "HC003",

    "ProjectPhase": "A",

    "ProjectTask": "subf_1",

    "ActivityValue": "1000000",

    "CampaignValue": "1000000",

    "AssetValue": null,

    "User1": null,

    "Employee": "ANGAJAT DEMO 1",

    "ResourceValue": "R1",

    "OrderLine_ID": "12345",

    "InOutLine_ID": "54321"



URL: https://api.socratecloud.com/webapi/rest/invoiceVendor/line/update/{version}?accessToken={access_token}&DocumentNo={document_no}&Line={line_no}

Method: POST

Return: line no for success or error message (start with "ERROR: ")

Data format:


    "Product": "001",

    "Charge": null,

    "Description": "another description",

    "QtyEntered": 1,

    "UOM": "Each",

    "ListPrice": 150,

    "Discount": null,

    "PriceEntered": 110,

    "Tax": "19%",

    "Printed": true,

    "TrxOrganizationValue": "SALES",

    "ProjectValue": "HC005",

    "ProjectPhase": "B",

    "ProjectTask": "subf_4",

    "ActivityValue": "1000000",

    "CampaignValue": "1000000",

    "AssetValue": "1000029",

    "User1": null,

    "Employee": "ANGAJAT DEMO 2",

    "ResourceValue": "R5"
