Product Price List Version


It allows you:

  • to get the version of product prices

  • to create a new version for an existing price list (to populate the new version with product prices, you must use "Product Price" API).

This API Method is recommended to use when you have particular price list defined per customer.


In order to use this API Method for PUT there must be accomplished the following requirements in SocrateCloud:

  • to have the product created in SocrateCloud

Columns that can be used as filters:

  • Organization

  • Active

  • Name

  • PriceList

  • ValidFrom

  • BPartner

  • Product

  • LastModified (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,). Use this filter to get the newest selling price version since last interrogation.

Actions can be done:

  • list

  • create

API Methods fields:

API Methods:



Method: GET

Return: JSON object with next format:


"data": [


"Organization": "Demo SRL",

"Created": "2014-04-25 08:55:48",

"CreatedBy": "SuperUser",

"Updated": "2014-06-16 13:27:43",

"UpdatedBy": "SuperUser",

"Active": false,

"Name": "2014-04-25",

"PriceList": "Promotions",

"ValidFrom": "2014-06-16 00:00:00",

"ValidTo": "2014-04-30 00:00:00",

"Currency": "RON",

"BPartner": "some_bp",

"IsSaleList": true



"totalRows": 1



URL:{version}?startRow={0}&endRow={100}&accessToken={access_token}&PriceList={PriceList Name}

Method: POST

Return: price list version name for success or error message (start with "ERROR: ")

Data format:


"Active": true,

"Name": "RON Sales Version for 2015",

"ValidFrom": "2015-03-01 00:00:00+0000"
