Family & Consumer Sciences
Career Clusters Connected to the Family & Consumer Sciences Department
Hospitality and tourism encompasses the management, marketing and operations of restaurants and other facilities and services including lodging, attractions, recreation events and travel-related services.
Planning, managing and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development are all functions of health science careers.
Family & Consumer Sciences Department Course Descriptions
60320 Sew Creative
0.5 credit - 1 semester
Grades: 9-12
This class will introduce students to the basics of sewing and sewing equipment as well as the wonderful world of textiles used to make a variety of sewing projects. Students will develop skills by using a sewing machine, serger and embroidery machine to make several personal projects throughout the semester. Projects are designed to teach the fundamentals of sewing first and then increase student abilities and skill levels with each succeeding project. Each student is expected to provide their own materials for sewing projects such as patterns, fabrics, and notions for each project they make. Students will make 4 to 6 projects throughout the semester. To receive credit, all projects must be made at school.
Priority Standards:
- Analyze careers in Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Apply skills necessary to produce, repair, or alter clothing and other fabric products.
- Develop strategies to manage resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the lifespan.
60430 Fashion Design/Merchandising
0.5 credit - 1 semester
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Sew Creative
Advanced construction and fashion design. Fashion trends and lab experiences to review easy sewing techniques leading to more and different clothing projects. Introduces designer's current fabric trends and styles and demonstrates designer fashion sewing techniques. Evaluate personal and family clothing, textile study and care, repair of clothing in today's society. Students will make 4 to 6 projects throughout the semester. To receive credit, all projects must be made at school.
Priority Standards:
- Analyze careers in Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Apply skills necessary to produce, repair, or alter clothing and other fabric products.
- Develop strategies to manage resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the lifespan.
Health Science
55430 Health Careers Exploration
0.5 credit - 1 semester
Grades: 10-12
Health career explorations is recommended for ANYone thinking about entering the healthcare field.
Get a jump start on a career in the rapidly growing healthcare industry! This course is designed to introduce the student to a wide variety of health careers. The nature and scope of the profession including the educational and physical requirements, as well as personal characteristics of each career is discussed. The healthcare system with a historical perspective is presented. The student is introduced to ethical, legal, and safety considerations in healthcare.
Students interested in the healthcare field are invited to participate in HOSA - Future Health Professionals, a Club which sponsors community service projects and members are able to compete at the state and national events.
Priority Standards:
- Analyze careers in healthcare.
- Analyze healthcare systems.
-Apply reasoning from evidence to suport a claim
60510 Medical Terminology
*Dual Credit through Madison College* *Laude Course*
Grades 11-12
.5 credit high school 1 semester
3 credits Madison College - must enroll through Madison College, 1 semester
Students should speak to Mrs. Hartmann prior to signing up for dual credit medical terminology to understand the course is a college level course and time is expected to be put in outside of the regular scheduled school hours.
The focus in this course is on communication using the medical language. Students practice formation, analysis and reconstruction of medical terms. Component parts of medical terms including wood roots, prefixes, and suffixes are emphasized. Terms are classified by the structural organization of the body. Both the written and spoken formats for using language will be addressed including word construction, definition, spelling, and pronunciation of medical terms and interpretation of written materials. The course provides an introduction to operative, diagnostic, therapeutic and symptomatic terminology of all body systems as well as systemic and surgical terminology.
*Course available based on dual credit teacher certification availability
Priority Standards:
- Apply reasoning from evidence to support a claim.
- Apply effective communication within the context of the healthcare industry.
- Analyze career options and effectively communicate relevant career skills.
Human Services
60420 Family Living
0.5 credit -1 semester
Grade: 10 -12
This course is designed to provide knowledge of family life and factors that influence lifestyles and decisions. Attention is focused on relationship skills, life choices, and parenthood, child development, and family dynamics. Students will gain the challenging practical skills of caring for an infant using a baby simulator.
Priority Standards:
- Analyze careers in Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Analyze nutrition and wellness practices that enhance individual and family well-being.
- Analyze factors that influence human growth & development.
- Analyze/Apply practices that foster respectful and caring relationships.
- Develop strategies to manage resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the lifespan.
Culinary Arts
60340 Teen Cuisine
0.5 credit - 1 semester
Want to improve your cooking? Need to change your eating habits? Want to learn how to enjoy food and be safe preparing food? This class will do just that and more. You will sharpen your cooking skills and eating habits and learn about the various careers related to food service. If this course leads to a career, great. If not, you will gain an appreciation for good food!
Priority Standards:
- Analyze careers in Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Demonstrate food preparation methods and techniques to produce a variety of food products that meet consumer needs.
- Analyze nutrition and wellness practices that enhance individual and family well-being.
- Develop strategies to manage resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the lifespan.
60330 Bakery and Pastry Arts
0.5 credit - 1 semester
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Teen Cuisine
Explore the art of baking. Demonstrate creativity with a variety of recipes and bakeshop ingredients. Develop pastry chef skills to make bread, pastries, quick breads, scones, cookies, specialty desserts, and cakes. Labs will focus on food safety, culinary skills, teamwork, and employability skills. Projects include creating and marketing a new product and team baking challenges.
Priority Standards:
- Analyze careers in Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Demonstrate food preparation methods and techniques to produce a variety of food products that meet consumer needs.
- Develop strategies to manage resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the lifespan.
Food and Nutrition
0.5 credit - 1 semester
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Teen Cuisine
Students are taught science and chemistry concepts through the study of the biology and chemistry of food and nutrition. Real-life applications of food preparation and nutrition are provided throughout this program.
Priority Standards:
- Analyze careers in Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Demonstrate food preparation methods and techniques to produce a variety of food products that meet consumer needs.
- Analyze nutrition and wellness practices that enhance individual, family, and community well-being.
- Develop strategies to manage resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the lifespan.
60410 World of Foods
0.5 credit - 1 semester
Prerequisite: Teen Cuisine
World of Foods is a course designed to introduce students to a variety of cuisines and cultures from around the world. Students will be introduced to a variety of agricultural, social, historical, and cultural information from around the world, as well as recipes and food preparation techniques for each country studied.
Priority Standards:
- Analyze careers in Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Demonstrate food preparation methods and techniques to produce a variety of food products that meet consumer needs.
- Analyze nutrition and wellness practices that enhance individual and family well-being.
- Develop strategies to manage resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the lifespan.
60615/60616 ProStart
2.0 credit - 2 semesters
Grades: 11-12
Prerequisite: Teen Cuisine, Intermediate Course, or Instructor's Approval
* A $12 lab fee each semester.
* The class conducts fundraising events throughout the year. Participation during events is required.
* Students will participate in the nationally recognized ProStart organization. Students will have event/competition opportunities available to them through this organization.
* ProStart students will attempt to acquire both the ServSafe Food Manager certification and the ProStart Level 1 certification within the school year.The ProStart curriculum is a nationally approved curriculum established by the National Restaurant Association. This course is designed to prepare students for potential careers within the foodservice industry, as well as give students a foundation of knowledge for continuing their education after high school. ProStart will enable students to explore careers and become qualified food service employees. This course will include supervised culinary labe, classroom instruction, opportunities to achieve two nationally accredited certifications, and participate in fundraising activities.
Skills that will be learned:
* Safety and Sanitation (ServSafe)
* Use and Care of Equipment
* Food Preparation, Principles, and Processes
* Costing, Purchasing, Receiving and Storing Food
* Menu Planning and Applied Nutrition
* Work Simplification and Organization
* Communication, Teamwork, and Human Relations
* Customer Service Procedures
Priority Standards:
- Analyze careers in Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Demonstrate food preparation methods and techniques to produce a variety of food products that meet consumer needs.
- Analyze nutrition and wellness practices that enhance individual and family well-being.
- Develop strategies to manage resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the lifespan.
*STUDENT TIME SCHEDULE - One section will meet on A Days during 1st & 2nd blocks and the other section will meet on B Days during 1st & 2nd blocks.