Austin ISD PPfT Leadership Pathways

Celebrate Your Story

CONGRATULATIONS, Cohort 2018-2019 PPfT Leadership Pathway Graduates from

Literacy, Social & Emotional Learning, &

Transformative Technology!

Austin ISD 

PPfT Leadership Pathways

Leadership Pathways provide teachers with the opportunity to develop their expertise in one of several areas of interest aligned with district priorities. Leadership Pathways empower and grow all AISD teachers, allowing them to become leaders on their campus or throughout the district. Leadership Pathways are entirely optional, and the teachers that we celebrate on this site chose to engage in the work of the pathway on their own time, outside of their teaching duties.

These amazing educators engaged in a rigorous two-year process focused on either Literacy, Social and Emotional Learning, or Transformative Technology. At the beginning of each semester, teachers engaged in twelve hours of professional learning around research-based strategies and mindsets.  For the rest of the semester, teachers applied these strategies and mindsets from the training to their own classroom, collecting artifacts of implementation and student learning and reflecting on the impact of the implementation.  At the end of each semester, teachers created a Submission Assignment that included a description of their implementation, the artifacts they collected, and a written reflection that shared the impact the process had on their instructional practice and student learning.

After the successful completion of all four semesters, or micro-credentials, these teachers participated in a leadership opportunity where they used their overall experience to invite other teachers to be a part of a Leadership Pathway.

We celebrate the diligence and hard work that these amazing educators have put in over the last two years! 

​We know they have become leaders on their campuses and throughout Austin ISD! 

PPfT Leadership Pathway 

2018-2019 Cohort

Please click on the pathway name above to access teachers' Celebrate Your Story artifacts and read their reflections on the two-year process.