Professional Development Units

Professional Development Units (PDUs) are one element of the PPfT Compensation System.  PDUs are optional and are similar to action-research projects where teams of teachers identify a need that they plan to focus on throughout the year and then develop a plan of study and implementation to address that need.  In order to earn points towards compensation by participating in PDUs, all members must be appraised under the PPfT appraisal system. 

Those participating in PDUs will form self-selected teams of 3-6 teachers who will work together during the course of a full school year to identify, study, and implement job-embedded professional development activities in a specific area that is relevant to the student population or a specific content area to improve student achievement (e.g., English Language Learner instruction, classroom culture, technology instruction). 

The team develops a Professional Development (PD) plan based on the needs of the teachers in the group and their students, and then documents the application and impact of their PD on teaching and learning in the classroom.  

PDUs are designed to be a rigorous long-term study, in which teachers utilize a repeating cycle of engagement in PD/research, implementation in the classroom, data collection and evaluation. Team members must be willing to work closely together and devote time in and out of the classroom in order to successfully complete the process.  PDUs culminate in the submission of an online product that meets specific criteria. Those interested in pursuing a PDU will begin the process by the end of September.

Life Cycle of a PDU

The Professional Development Unit (PDU) Team Opt-in Window will open September 1, 2023 and will close September 29th, 2023.

All eligible teachers will receive the opt-in form via email, this will come from

In order to participate in a PDU teachers must:


We will be hosting PDU information sessions via Zoom on:

Zoom login information:

Meeting ID: 840 3627 2871

Passcode: PDUs

Teachers interested in participating in a Professional Development Unit (PDU) will form groups of 3-6 teachers and enroll as a team. Team Leads must fill out the Team PDU opt-in form. This form will be provided via email during the month of September.

In order to support the process, 25 PDU team spots are available. If more than 25 teams opt-in, a lottery will take place to determine who will be offered seats. After the selection process is confirmed, team leads will need to confirm their participation in the PDU process. Teams who miss the initial deadline, could forfeit their opportunity to participate in the PDU process.

The 2023-2024 PDU Team Opt-in window so now closed.
