PD360 QuickStart

FIRST THINGS FIRST: Edivate uses Flash, so you MUST use Internet Explorer and have the updated version of Flash. If you are asked to LOAD or update Flash, Click OFF the options for any TOOL BARS or additional software (Chrome, Ask, etc)

Edivate has many components:

    • Edivate Learn is somewhat like Study Island for student courseware and curriculum.

    • PD360 is where you will be able to gain CEU credits via videos that will help you improve your teaching practices. PD360 is directly tied to Observation 360

    • Observation 360 is where you will find your observation & walkthrough documents.


(1) Teachers, your initial login to http://pd360.com is your Arp email address and your password is 1234 which you will change immediately. I recommend you use your regular email password here as well. You will find this link to PD360 under Teacher Resources from the Arp Home Page (left-hand Menu). Teacher Resources are listed in Alphabetical order, so look for PD360 link.

(2) As soon as you login the first time, you will need to update your profile information and you should change your password.

(3) If you find that you are NOT in the PD360 database email me and I will put in you there.

What the "heck" is PD360? (I heard you!)

PD360 has many features. I will go over just a few: Once you click on Resources in the upper left Menu, you will find 6 icons.

(4) Initially you will want to see your Observation(s), so click on Observation 360. Your observation(s) will be listed, along with any video assignments your observer may have given you.

(5) Once you have looked through your observation(s), we are asking that you open the COMMENT box and leave something to signify that you have seen your observation. Your COMMENT may be anything you feel appropriate, from "thank you" to "I don't agree with this observation, come back and see me another time!" Submit your Comment and then explore the 6 MENU OPTIONS.


(1) Videos: This is where you will find instructional videos for your class. Here is a Kindergarten Math video example: https://pd360.com/#resources/videos/6280 (you will have to be logged in to see it). YES, some of these are geared towards the common core, so pick and choose what you like. NOTICE that you can Add the video to your own Queue to keep for the future AND you can share it with others whom you think would use it. There is also a full transcript of the video to download if you like. Additional related videos and resources will also be listed on this page (Lesson Plans, visuals, charts, etc).

(2) Videos: This is where you might be pointed to, if you need to update your skills for classroom engagement. Something you should know about the videos; They all require you to answer reflection questions (usually 6). The administrators are able to view your answers and how long you were attentive to the videos.

(3) Learning Targets - There is nothing here yet. We will work on those in the future

(4) Observation 360 - This is where your walkthroughs and observations will be available for you. However, you will be emailed each time and can access the evaluation from your email. You should login, look through your observation(s) and then leave a COMMENT to let your observer know that you have participated in reflecting on your teaching practices.

(5) Communities is like Facebook for teachers. You might find an existing group that is interested in sharing with on a particular subject. FYI: Next year when the Evaluation changes from PDAS to T-TESS, one of your domains will deal with PLCs and Expanded Communities. So it would be good to get start here.

(6) LumiBook - These are interactive guides and books that you are capable of discussing with folks throughout the country.

(7) More Resources: Here are all the "How to" videos that explain every adventure you will be taking in Edivate and how to maximize it. You will NOTICE that YOU can upload videos from your classroom to this site. If you don't know how to do something, go to MORE RESOURCES and check out the Tutorial Video for that particular item you need help with.

So basically, I would recommend that you login, update your profile, look through any observations or walkthroughs, look at all the options available to you in the video library and check out the Edivate tutorials.