Short Breaks & Summer Summer

Skip to Summer Break

Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring, and short BREAKS:

    1. Lock up your teacher laptops and/or iPad over short breaks OR take them home with you or send them to the Studio.

    2. Please UNPLUG ALL CARTs and lock the cart in a teacher's room. UNPLUG your Carts to drain batteries (this is good for the batteries)

    3. Do NOT leave Carts in a hallway.

    4. Make sure you turn off your desktop computers so that mice don't take up residence there!!!! Mice are looking for WARM places to hide and since the heat will be lowered over the break, they would love the inside of your warm cart or desktop computer.

    5. TURN OFF ALL: Monitors, Printers, Computers, Laptops, Copy Machines etc. over breaks. Shut Down before Turning Off! Copiers that receive school business faxes may remain on.

    6. After you TURN OFF your Teacher Computer and all desktops, PLEASE dust around desktops to clean off all dust. If the computer is OFF, then it will not pull the dust into the system.

    7. Do NOT cover a Desktop computer that is still on. This creates heat build-up and can ruin the computer.

    8. Staff, Faculty, & Custodial folks ARE NOT to unhook computers or move computers without specific instructions from the Technology Department. This has been in district policy for over 15 years. It has been approved by the board.

    9. Secure all devices

    • Flat Screen monitors should be turned off during holidays.

      • Document Camera LED Lights MUST be turned off.

    • Do NOT leave remotes, iPads or other portable technology in your rooms over breaks without turning them off and locking them up!

    • REMEMBER: when turning ON your carts and multiple computers after the break please allow devices to boot up ONE AT a TIME

    • For Summer Break all smaller technologies will be turned into the Studio. All of these types of technologies have been stolen or broken in the past. Turning them in during summer months allows us to clean them and check for maintenance issues.

SUMMER BREAKS: Please read ALL items carefully.

    1. EVERYONE who has an iPad must bring it to school and let us examine it before the summer break.

    2. The Technology Team will come by and pick up any items you need to store: remotes, calculators, document cameras, digital cameras, wireless technology tools, iPads, Netbooks, AIL Clickers, and any carts with tech tools. YOU MAY check out any technology tool, remote, etc. if you plan on using them during the summer, FILL OUT THIS FORM . However, ALL DEVICES need to be updated in the Studio BEFORE summer checkout is approved.

    3. Calculators need to be returned and batteries properly stored.

    4. All batteries need to be removed from these types of devices. Click here to see how to store correctly.

    5. Computers MUST remain in place. They SHOULD be turned off. They are NOT to be moved by teachers or anyone other than a technology staff person during the summer. If you need to save your favorites or clean off your desktop, do so this week! See QuickStarts on how to accomplish this.

    6. ALSO: Turn off the following: projectors, monitors, printers, scanners, doc cameras, etc.

    7. If you have equipment on a cart, we will lock it up on your campus for you.

    8. DO NOT lock up a laptop over the summer in a closet or cabinet. Turn it into the Tech Dept for updating or reimaging.

    9. Any room changes to be made by faculty members will be taken care of through the request of the campus principal. When the principal gives us new room numbers for a teacher, we will take care of providing the appropriate equipment before school starts. (Probably the week of inservice). No teacher or maintenance person is to move this equipment - THIS IS DISTRICT POLICY.

    10. If your room is to be painted or to have construction work over the summer, PLEASE notify the Tech Dept so that we can provide protection for the equipment or remove it during the work.

    11. If you are NOT leaving the district please fill out the final SUMMER ROOM CHECK-OUT FORM:

    12. If you ARE leaving the district, please make sure you fill out the following and have it signed by principal & Tech Dept: Exit Interview

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.