
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
(George Bernard Shaw)

The most important thing to communication is to hear what isn't being said.
(Peter Drucker)

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
(Maya Angelou)


Student will demonstrate a simple form of communication (send an email from your institutional Gmail account to the instructor).

Student will create and post a video product (1 of 4).

Student will create and post a audio product.

Student will complete the Communication Quiz.


  • Video "ID" (1 of 4 video products)

Create and post a video product of your creation to your website.*
(* Video product posting not due until your website is established.
Website creation is in the Web-Presence session.)

Minimums for the Video "ID" Assignment:

    • No minimums as to content, topic, format, or length of video product.

    • Topic: Any. You are encouraged to use your Digital Identity Project Video from EDUC 210 for this product.

    • Make the video available from your website.

Examples of previous Video "ID" products (viewing optional):

Digital Identity Project example (instructor)

Digital Identity Project example (real)

Digital Identity Project example (real)

Digital Identity Project example (real)

Digital Identity Project example (real)

  • Audio

Create and post a audio product of your creation to your website.*
Audio product posting not due until your website is established. Website creation is in the Web-Presence session.)

Minimums for the Audio Assignment:

        • Topic: Reflection on Cultural Event

        • Include in the reflection description of event, date of event, rational for attending that particular event, what you thought, and something of interest.

        • No minimums as to format or length of audio product.

        • Make the audio available from your website.

  • Interactive Whiteboard (Optional yet recommended activity #1)

Minimums for the Interactive Whiteboard Assignment:

        • Outside of class interact with an interactive whiteboard... (I/O device, marker board, IW software)

        • Not assessed

  • Collaborate with your peers. (Suggestion from a former student) (Optional yet recommended activity #2)

      • Collaborate in your classes. (EDUC 211, any class)

  • Create a Google Document, share it with your trusted classmates. Group take notes and use it as a study aid.

  • Not assessed

EXAMPLE: Click here to access a shared Google Document demo (Type what you would like. Remember everyone with a UNCA account can also see what you type and who did it.)

  • Create a new Gmail (outside of UNCA) account (Optional yet recommended activity #3)

    • Reason(s), your official institutional provided account is bound by the institutions web usage policy (Example: UNCA Department of Education Web Usage Policy) AND you can neither manage YouTube videos nor Blogger content with your institutional provided Google account. Lastly, if you create content on your institutional provided Google account it will be lost when you leave the institutional. (You may share editorship between your institutional provided Google account and your off-site Google account to protect your content.)

    • Not assessed

  • Take the Communication Quiz



Education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another. (


Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the sender. (


Communication is a major consideration in any instructional design and an essential activity of instructional technology.

Typical means of accomplishing the task of communication in educational settings include the more general (oral, verbal, and nonverbal) forms of communication as well as more specific methods, tools, and devices:


Examples of situations affected by FERPA include school employees divulging information to anyone other than the student about the student's grades or behavior, and school work posted on a bulletin board with a grade.

The Media Design Lab provides all UNC Asheville students, faculty and staff with the latest in digital media deign technology.

Mac and PC workstations are loaded with a wide array of multimedia software such as the Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection and much more for working with video, audio, graphics, photos, and websites. The lab includes a high-end scanner, headphones, memory card readers and other accessories. Format transfers and duplications are also possible. Equipment is available for closed captioning video content. Click here for lab equipment details.


"I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
(Robert McCloskey)