Criminal background check in Raleigh NC

Criminal background check in Raleigh NC

Background Investigations supplies a wide range of information solutions suited to satisfy a number of needs. From checking on the neighbor to researching ourselves to determine if there exists anything to be concerned about. This background check data sources are established market leaders for public record information, offender assessments, cellular phone and street address records, social media data, and a lot more. The objective is to empower the public with the facts they will need to make quick & intelligent choices.

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Equal Justice Works/AmeriCorps fellows are instrumental in drawing attention to the collateral consequences of a criminal record. Everyone is familiar with the direct consequences of a criminal conviction – imagine a judge banging the gavel and sentencing a defendant to prison, fines, or probation. But loss of employment opportunity is a collateral consequence of a criminal record, that is, a consequence imposed by something other than criminal law. While private bias against people with criminal records is one type of collateral consequence, there are many others. In North Carolina, one-third of occupations require a license, and many convictions will disqualify a person from obtaining approval from a licensing board.

This is a long slow process. If we could speed up the process we certainly would do so but the timing is out of our hands once a petition is filed. Your petition will be reviewed by a judge then sent to the SBI in Raleigh to conduct a thorough background check to determine if you qualify for the expunction. Then the petition goes back to the original court to have a hearing (or not). Once that is complete, the SBI is notified to send notices to the agencies listed on the petition to erase the formal record. Do not expect this process to take less than six to nine months. We spend a good amount of time checking on the petitions throughout this process as they can often be lost or delayed at various stops in the process by court clerks or other governmental agencies.

So after months of job-searching, resume tweaking, and first-round interviews, you have finally found the perfect job. Now you are just a few steps away from obtaining your dream job, but there’s just one thing standing in your way: the Pre-Employment Background Check. During this process, a prospective employer will be analyzing many aspects of your past. The scope of a background check may include your driving record, academic history, credit history, and most importantly; your criminal record. Are you ready for your potential boss to start looking through your background? Are you prepared for a pre-employment background check? If you have criminal offenses on your record or you’re not sure what might show up, it may be worthwhile to run a criminal background on yourself before subjecting yourself to an employer.

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