Criminal background check database

Criminal background check database

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a review of the criminal background check database for gun buyers after questions arose about the military’s reporting of convictions to the system. Sessions ordered a comprehensive review last Wednesday that includes a look at how the military reports convictions, the New York Times reports. Two days later, on Black Friday, the FBI received a record-setting number of background check requests, USA Today reports. There were more than 200,000 requests for background checks for the first time, up from just over 185,000 each of the last two Black Fridays, breaking records also set on Black Friday in 2015 and 2016.

The Department of Justice announced Wednesday that it’s looking to fix the system that mistakenly allowed Devin Kelley to buy the gun he used to kill more than two dozen people in a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Kelley was able to buy the gun because the Air Force didn’t report a prior domestic violence conviction to the FBI as it was supposed to, meaning Kelley’s name wasn’t in a database that alerts gun sellers that a prospective gun buyer has a criminal record. That database, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS for short, has come under scrutiny since the shooting, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions now says he plans to overhaul it. The background check system has kept guns out of the hands of some 1.3 million people and checks have been run through the system about 230 million times, according to the FBI. But new policies this year saw the system’s database shrunken dramatically, and it’s not clear what effect that will have on its use.

Incidens of the background-check system not correctly capturing criminal convictions represent a fraction of the total number of checks, Murnieks said. Ohio’s criminal-history system is tied to fingerprints submitted by police agencies and courts after people are convicted of crimes. Private-sector and government employers also submit fingerprints to learn whether would-be employees have records. BCI says many problems stem from electronic prints, totaling nearly 278,000 last year, submitted improperly through the so-called “Live Scan” system used by police, courts and employers to send images to the state agency. According to BCI identification division supervisor emails, the system never has been properly fixed -- a proposed $162,000 upgrade was killed last year -- with audits regularly finding criminals who wrongly were flagged as clean.

Background checks have become commonplace in today's security conscious world. A 2010 survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) revealed that approximately three out of four businesses conduct background checks on job applicants. More specifically, 76 percent of organizations conducted reference background checks for all job candidates and 73 percent of organizations conducted criminal background checks for all job candidates by reviewing consumer reports of candidates. The SHRM survey also found that 60 percent of employers credit background checks on either some or all candidates while 40 percent did not conduct any credit background checks at all. Because of this focus on employment background checks , especially for positions with financial responsibility and access to confidential information , job applicants are finding ways to check on their own personal information before their prospective employers do to verify its accuracy. One way to verify public information found during employment screening is through a "self" background check. By conducting self background checks, job seekers may discover that they have fallen victim to some of the following situations that have popped up during real background checks, situations that could hinder their attempts to find employment

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