City of Phoenix background check

City of Phoenix background check

A web-based background check of people may be a fantastic procedure for steering clear of danger. From working with criminals that will steal or swindle - to looking up sexual predators.- Examining the background of virtually any individual can easily avert pricey issues. Don't just presume individuals are being honest. Take a look at their background. Check out their background and then make your conclusion. Moreover examine your own personal history and see what people are finding out with regards to you.

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What does the background screening consist of? The City of Phoenix is committed to protecting the community and individuals by taking affirmative steps to avoid hiring individuals who represent a risk to the City or community. The purpose of conducting background screening is to conduct a thorough search of an applicant's criminal history, employment records, professional and personal references, education, and motor vehicle records. Other screenings may be conducted based the level of responsibility, access and requirements of the position or Department.

This AR describes the City policy and practice for screening applicants’ and employees’ backgrounds. The goal of this policy is to protect the rights of the community and of individuals. The City of Phoenix must take affirmative steps to avoid hiring individuals who represent a risk to the City or community due to factors in their background which the City knew or should have known about. At the same time, the City is obligated to protect employees’ and applicants’ privacy rights and ensure that individuals have an equal opportunity to work for the City. Applicants and employees have a right to be considered for a position without having supervisors, coworkers or members of a hiring or interview panel biased by information regarding past behavior that is not related to job performance.

Phoenix is a popular city to live in and many people who live there are renting. It may seem easy to find good tenants, but far too many landlords in Phoenix with rental properties get burned every year with the bad ones. Landlords that pay attention to tenant screening can ensure that they find only the best applicants. Of course, like most cities, Phoenix tenant screening laws are designed to protect both landlords and applicants.

The proposed policy changes would affect about a third of the city's public jobs by delaying when an applicant is asked about his or her criminal history. Inspired by a nationwide "Ban the Box" campaign — which refers to the box on an application that asks if a person has been convicted of a crime — the policy changes mean that the conviction question won't be asked until after an applicant receives a conditional offer of employment for certain jobs. Cindy Bezaury, the city's acting human-resources director, said 300 jobs would be affected by the ordinance. Some jobs — such as sworn positions in public safety and other positions that require working closely with children and money — would still include an inquiry early in the hiring process.

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