Keeping Your Boiler in Good Condition

To ensure that it runs continuously during the winter months, drain your boiler, reducing the chance of static water freezing. When restarting, don't forget to warm the water up slowly if you need to shut it down.

Water will expand unevenly and damage a pipe, so the pressure slowly increases so that the metal and joints heat up uniformly.

Permanent pump damage is generally caused by fuel oil lines that are uninsulated and unheated. Therefore, make sure your fuel flows properly and prevent your fuel pump from getting too high in its viscosity. Visit now for Boiler Hire.

It's important to look out for the combustion air temperature and water levels of your boiler, aside from fuel flow.

If you are using standard # 2 fuel oil, note that at 17 degrees Fahrenheit it begins to gel. When using this form of gasoline, consider switching to a winter fuel mix or a 50-50 mix of kerosene.