Bunk Bed Material

For bunk bed safety, stick to sturdy, durable materials that won’t deteriorate with time.

What are the standard bunk bed materials? For ultimate safety, each bunk bed is crafted from solid wood – including sturdy ponderosa pine, birch plywood and cedar.

What is the bunk bed weight limit? While it varies from model to model, the weight capacity for a Twin over Twin is usually within 150 pounds – and 400 pounds for a Twin over Full and Full over Full.

Which is the safest type of bunk bed? Each of the bunk beds in our collection is Children’s Product certified, which means it complies with the federal Consumer Product Safety standards. Whether it’s a bunk bed, loft bed, Twin, or Full (or something in between), you can rest easy knowing that the quality wood construction of each bunk bed is sturdy and durable, and meets the highest possible standards of safety for your child. Visit Now for bunk beds for kids.