A Loving-Kindness Meditation

This practise of loving-kindness involves softly repeating words that give positive qualities to themselves and others.

You can begin by taking pride in your own goodness, recalling things that you have done out of good-heartedness, and rejoicing in those memories to celebrate the capacity for goodness that we all share.

Silently recite sentences that represent in an everlasting way what we wish most profoundly for ourselves. Phrases that are traditional are:

May I live safely.

May I be mentally happy (peace, joy).

May I have physical joy (health, freedom from discomfort).

Can I live comfortably.

With enough room and silence between the words, repeat them so that they fall into a pattern that is pleasing to you. Guide one word at a time to your attention. Visit Now for meditation podcast.

Be good to yourself and let go of the diversion any time you find that your mind has drifted. Without judging or disparaging yourself, come back to repeating the words.