Cyber security background check

Cyber security background check

An online background check of people is a exceptional technique for averting danger. From working with criminals that steal or defraud - to doing a trace for sexual predators.- Examining the background of just about any individual may avoid steep obstacles. Don't merely presume folks are being honest. Investigate their background. Take a look at their history and then make your decision. Also check your own historical past and discover what people are discovering out about you.

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I was having lunch last week with the senior executive for one of the large agencies in the government organization where I work, when I asked about the agency's information security officer. I'd heard that the ISO had left his job rather quietly and quickly a few weeks earlier, but I hadn't been able to get a clear answer or reasonable explanation as to why. This isn't as strange as it may sound. Our government organization is very decentralized, and the agency ISOs don't work directly for me. I don't have any real authority over them other than to ensure they institute the enterprise security policies within their agencies (but that's a whole different story).

In less than three years, James R. Gorman went from being a newbie investment manager to the lord of $100 million in client accounts for The Vanguard Group, one of the nation's largest and most respected mutual fund companies. When Gorman's Pennsylvania insurance license came up for renewal, though, the company doing a routine background check found a problem. James R. Gorman had pleaded guilty to loan and credit card fraud. He was a convicted felon.

A weak link in many financial advisers’ cybersecurity plans is the outside companies that help run their businesses, such as payroll companies and computer-repair firms. Advisers want to focus on delivering great service to customers, so vendors’ cybersecurity practices are often not top of mind, said John Brady, head of information security at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), at a recent conference. “In a lot of cases, they’re trusting their vendors to look out for their best interests,” Brady said. That trust could be costly. Data breaches can require expensive notifications to customers and payments for credit monitoring services, along with bills from lawyers and technology experts.

Two breaches at the federal agency detected in 2014 and 2015 were made worse by lax security culture and ineffective leadership, which failed to harness available tools that could have stopped or limited the intrusions, according to the report from the Republicans on the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, a copy of which was seen by Reuters. “The OPM data breach and the resulting generational national security consequences cannot happen again,” said Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz, the committee’s chairman, in the report. The investigation faulted OPM - which manages employment matters for the federal government, including background checks for most agencies - for not moving more quickly to address early signs of an attack, allowing hackers to later siphon off reams of personnel data.

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