
“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” – Jacqueline Kennedy

At OVPA we passionately believe that a love of books does enlarge a child’s world. We strive to ensure that all our students become lifelong readers. We believe every child should be able to read confidently, fluently, and to access a wide range of texts to help deepen their understanding of the world around them. This coupled with exposing them to rich and exciting stories will promote a love of reading and the escapism it can offer.


Our reading curriculum begins with a clear literacy spine which ensures our children have access to the best of children’s classic and modern fiction beginning in EYFS where we give the children the opportunity to hear much loved books over and over again. 


Once our children have grasped Early Reading and phonics we move to a whole class reading model. We have set texts every term which are chosen for their rich vocabulary and links to the key philosophical concepts being focused on that term. Over the course of a week the children will read parts of the text independently focusing on decoding, fluency and reading with expression. One session of the week is then focused on reading comprehension where the children look at the comprehension skills.


Through our ‘Accelerated Reader’ program, children are given the chance to visit our immersive school library and spend time exploring books that they love with our librarian. They will then be given an opportunity each day to sit and lose themselves in their chosen story. After they have read a book the children love to complete their short quizzes which check the comprehension of the book they have just read, and inform their teacher of what they will need moving forward. 

At the end of each day there is protected time where each class will listen to their class reader and wind down together after a full day of learning.