
At OVPA we aim to provide a music rich culture across the school to give our young musicians opportunities to have a strong understanding of different music types, singers and instruments.

Our music curriculum gives our musicians the opportunity to play a musical instrument as well as listen, compose and improvise. At OVPA we are passionate about performing to an audience within and outside of school by the time they leave primary school and we provide exciting and enriching opportunities for this!

Through the learning of music, our children will develop habits of practice, resilience and co-operation.

Our Music Curriculum has three distinct music strands - Charanga, Singing and Playing and Performing.



Singing and playing


Across the school, our music curriculum, which is in line with the National Curriculum, is centred around ‘Charanga’ a vocal based scheme, in which the children learn to listen, sing, play, improvise and compose. Through bi-weekly Charanga sessions, children learn to work both independently and as part of a group, ensuring skills of resilience and co-operation are promoted.

Through Charanga, children are exposed to sequenced core musical knowledge, skills and vocabulary, which progresses year on year.


Over the course of the school year our musicians are given the opportunity to perform to their parents. Every year group performs at Christmas time as well as at a Harvest performance.

Our youngest musicians begin their journey with nativity performances and a Harvest festival .

In years 3 and 4, the children have the opportunity to take part in the “Big Sing” at the White Rock Theatre, as well as “One Voice” at Glyndebourne.

Singing and Playing

As well as ‘Charanga’, which allows our musicians to improve their pitch, notation and timing skills on a regular basis, we have a professional singing teacher that comes in weekly.