Dr. James Adler becomes the new Pi day King!

Post date: Mar 14, 2018 8:26:3 PM

It is March 14, or as mathematicians all over the world call it, Pi Day.

As per tradition, the math department yet again celebrated this magical day by hosting a Pie Eating contest between the graduate students, undergraduate students and the faculty. Here is how it works:Three teams (graduate,undergraduate and faculty) of three participate, and the contest lasts for 1 minute. Whichever individual eats the most Pie in 1 minute takes the title of Pie Day Champion and gets their name etched on the Pie Day Plaque. Whichever team totals the most pie in that minute wins the Pie Day Trophy.

Last year, graduate student Curtis Heberle out-ate everyone to clench the title of Pie Day Champion. However, this year faculty member  Dr. James Adler beat defending champion Heberle by eating a whopping 410 grams of delicious Apple pie. Curtis came in second this time with 389 grams.

The faculty team also clenched the team title with 938 grams total, while the graduate student team came in second.

All the pies this year (including the non-contest, audience pies) were generously sponsored by Pearson, and we thank them very much for it! You can watch the video of the event here. We extend our congratulations to Dr. James Adler for becoming the Pi Day 2018 King.