
The Tufts Organization of Graduate Students in Mathematics (OGSM) is an AMS Graduate Student Chapter and Graduate Student Organization at Tufts University, founded in 2009 with the purpose of providing a representative body for graduate students in the Mathematics Department.   For more information, see the About Us page.

Things to check out:

The most recent qual questions and graduate student handbook can be found in the Resources tab, along with qual request deadlines and much more.

The calendar for upcoming meetings, department happenings, and social events.

Our YouTube channel for videos of past speakers, candidacy exams, and Pi Day competitions.

The OGSM Constitution and Operational Procedures for the organization's bylaws. 

New! Problems of the Month (POTM)

Once a month, three new problems will be released at once. You have until Saturday at 11:59 pm four weeks later to submit a solution to daniel.riley@tufts.edu. You do not need to solve all three questions. Solutions should be detailed, self-contained proofs, generally less than a page in length. Please include your name in the submission. Three points are given for each valid proof, and one point is given for partially correct proofs. Whoever has the most points at the end of the year will receive a special prize!

Have feedback about POTM? Have suggestions for future problems? Want to add another email to Danny Riley's inbox? Please fill out this survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJcFIZPlTxUAWia2Af2l0YV54p2znDvXl6SB7SSvWQsmLBrg/viewform?usp=sf_link


Fall 2023 OGSM Schedule: