Yellow-browed Warbler

Phylloscopus inornatus

Rare in Britain, one was seen during the afternoon of the 10th of October, 2015 along the woodland trail at Woodberry Wetlands on a London Wildlife Trust volunteers day. Present for about five minutes, it showed well low in the canopy before being lost to sight.

That year there was an influx to the UK of this non-breeding species, which is seen nationally in early winter in low numbers on passage.

Number in Britain: 300-500 records annually.


in London: Scarce passage migrant.

in UK: Passage/Winter Visitor

Habitat: Open forest, woodland, scrub.

Diet: Mostly insects, highly active, usually in tree canopy, but also in herbs or on ground.

Data from the London Natural History Society (LNHS) and British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)

  • Systematic list of the Birds of Stoke Newington Reservoirs and Woodberry Wetlands.

Yellow-browed Warbler Woodberry Wetlands TeRNS Stoke Newington wildlife Hackney London N16
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TeRNS on twitter. The Reservoirs Nature Society, Stoke Newington, London.Birds of Stoke Newington Reservoirs and Woodberry Wetlands © TeRNS 2003