Peregrine Falcon

Falco peregrinus

Seen regularly here, the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest animal on the planet. In a 'stoop' (hunting dive) they can reach speeds of over 240km/h (150mph). The male Peregrine is called a 'tiercel' because it is a tierce (one third) smaller in size than the female.

In June 2016 a courting pair were seen on and around the Castle climbing centre by the West reservoir for a week. They breed annually in the Lea Valley to the east.

Number in Britain: 1400 Pairs (Summer). About 25 pairs in London.


in London: scarce but increasingly regular breeding resident and winter visitor.

in UK: Resident breeder, Passage/winter visitor

Habitat: Tundra, moor, steppe, seacoast, cities

Diet: Birds

Data from the London Natural History Society (LNHS) and British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)

  • Systematic List of the Birds of Stoke Newington Reservoirs / Woodberry Wetlands.

Peregrine Falcon Woodberry Wetlands TeRNS Stoke Newington wildlife Hackney London N16
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TeRNS on twitter. The Reservoirs Nature Society, Stoke Newington, London.Birds of Stoke Newington Reservoirs and Woodberry Wetlands © TeRNS 2003