Souyoryew and Wafihuu Scripts

Souyoryew "Moonflower" (used by priestesses), and Wafihuu "Lightning" (used by priests) are the two related scripts used in the temples to write Ör-Yawurenyi (Ceremonial Yawurenyi).


More is known about Souyoryew because it has been used by some women to write in Classical Yawurenyi (and Modern Yawurenyi) and Quanafi.


An understanding of linguistic terminology and the IPA and an ability to write in color is needed to properly write in Souyoryew. Wafiihuu does not color vowels, and instead uses a series of dots or open circles below the consonant to render vowels (x-sampa will be used in explainations of these).  


Souyoryew Consonants



Souyoryew Vowels



Wafihuu Consonants


There is little known about Wafihuu consonants, as the script is a closely guarded secret. They are thought to resemble Souyoryew, at least in what sounds they represent, and are likely more angular.


Wafihuu Vowels


Information on Wafihuu vowels is limited to the standard Quanafi vowels /a, e, i, o, u/. They are written below the consonant, or to the right if the text is written vertically. They are often omitted in informal notes between priests, but are always used in formal and sacred texts.


/a/ is .

/e/ is ...

/i/ is ....

/o/ is ooo

/u/ is ooo0

From this we can presume that /E/ would be .. and /y/ is o...