Christopher is 3 years old !

Here is the latest update from Christopher's Dad. It was posted on Caring Bridge website in the wee hours of Monday morning Dec. 3, 2012.


I’m a couple of days late on this – it is a hectic time – but I wanted to mark Christopher’s latest milestone with y’all:

Happy 3rd birthday, Christopher!

I know. Wild, right?

It’s hard to imagine. As of last Friday, Christopher is 3!

But on the other hand: Has it really been only three years he has been with us, brightening our lives?

Nov. 30, 2009, seems like forever ago.

And yet, it hasn’t been long at all since our little guy was born with a malformed heart but a fighter’s soul.

* Not long at all since he crashed and was revived.

* Not long at all since he and his mom flew away to Little Rock and Arkansas Children’s Hospital.

* Not long at all since some wonderful family somewhere, amid unfathomable grief, provided him the gift of life with a new heart.

* Not long at all since we were a family divided between Oregon and Arkansas.

* Not long at all since he was that little baby boy in the hospital, your pick, either ACH or OHSU/Doernbecher, when he was the one they weren’t sure would ever make it home – the one we weren’t sure would ever make it home, either.

* Not long at all since those kidneys didn’t work, but the dialysis machine did, every night, first in the hospital and then at home, for months and months.

* And – it’s so wonderful to write this, and I thank God again as I do – it hasn't been long at all since, with a new kidney, Christopher started going – in so many ways – and has not stopped.

* Not long at all since God answered all of our prayers, and all of yours (thank you!). Not always the way we wanted, but always with perfect gifts.

* Not long at all since He blessed us with this precious addition, and with a journey that has been fierce, wild and wonderful.

* Not long at all since God blessed us with another heartbeat – Christopher’s, and ours, and yours. With this beat. And this one. And this one. And this one. And…

As Christopher celebrated his third birthday last Friday, healthy and happy, by running and dancing and playing, by babbling and telling us important things we finally are beginning to understand, we are indescribably grateful for his continued presence, brightening our lives. And for HIS continuing presence, filling our lives.

Happy Birthday, Christopher!
