Brain Waves surge before Death

Recently I read a very interesting article on the net about Brain waves surging just before the death of an individual.

Though the article is very interesting and one we should think about, there were some sidebar items that I did not deem appropriate for this blog, Therefore, I am cutting and pasting the article itself and thereby avoiding the sidebar things.

After you read the article I will add some comments / thoughts on what I personally think these 'brain surges' might mean.

Ok, with that said, here is the article:


Brain Waves Surge Moments Before Death

Irene Klotz, Discovery News

Oct. 6, 2009 -- A study of seven terminally ill patients found identical surges in brain activity moments before death, providing what may be physiological evidence of "out of body" experiences reported by people who survive near-death ordeals.

Doctors at George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates recorded brain activity of people dying from critical illnesses, such as cancer or heart attacks.

Moments before death, the patients experienced a burst in brain wave activity, with the spikes occurring at the same time before death and at comparable intensity and duration.

Writing in the October issue of the Journal of Palliative Medicine, the doctors theorize that the brain surges may be tied to widely reported near-death experiences which typically involve spiritual or religious attributes.

At first, doctors thought the electrical surges picked up by electroencephalographs were caused by other machines or cell phones in the rooms of dying patients, lead author Lakhmir Chawla told Discovery News.

The EECs were being used to monitor patients' level of consciousness as doctors and families wrestle with end-of-life issues.

"We did it when patients want to withdraw life support, to make sure patients are comfortable, as we withdraw care," Chawla said.

The medical staff kept seeing spikes in patients' brain waves just before death.

"We thought 'Hey, that was odd. What was that?'" Chawla said. "We thought there was a cell phone or a machine on in the room that created this anomaly. But then we started removing things, turning off cell phones and machines, and we saw it was still happening."

The doctors believe they are seeing the brain's neurons discharge as they lose oxygen from lack of blood pressure.

"All the neurons are connected together and when they lose oxygen, their ability to maintain electrical potential goes away," Chawla said. "I think when people lose all their blood flow, their neurons all fire in very close proximity and you get a big domino effect. We think this could explain the spike."

It's possible a cutoff of oxygen would trigger a similar but recoverable event that becomes seared into memory.

"Not everyone reports this light sort of business. What you hear most often reported (in near-death experiences) is just a vivid memory," Chawla said.

Brain researcher Kevin Nelson at the University of Kentucky, who studies near-death experiences, said it's well known that when the brain is abruptly deprived of blood flow it gives off a burst of high voltage energy.

"It's unlikely with conventional brain wave recordings during death that they're going to see something that hasn't been seen already," Nelson said.

Chawla and colleagues would like to follow up their case study with a larger pool of patients outfitted with more sophisticated brain activity sensors.


Ok. That was the article. And Now for my comments / thoughts:

Those of you who wore your 'Biblical Worldview Glasses' while reading the article likely had the same thoughts I had while reading it.

The author of the article was obviously wearing "Secular Worldview Glasses" and was reporting the thoughts of the Doctors and others who were also wearing 'Secular Worldview Glasses'.

Why is this important?

Well, consider this.

IF / WHEN one is wearing 'Secular Worldview Glasses', then the interpretation of the cause of the brain surges before death would be and were :

1. "At first, doctors thought the electrical surges picked up by electroencephalographs were caused by other machines or cell phones in the rooms of dying patients..."

2. "We thought there was a cell phone or a machine on in the room that created this anomaly...."

3. "The doctors believe they are seeing the brain's neurons discharge as they lose oxygen from lack of blood pressure."

4. "All the neurons are connected together and when they lose oxygen, their ability to maintain electrical potential goes away," Chawla said. "I think when people lose all their blood flow, their neurons all fire in very close proximity and you get a big domino effect. We think this could explain the spike."

5. "...when the brain is abruptly deprived of blood flow it gives off a burst of high voltage energy...."

In other words, when wearing 'Secular Worldview Glasses' any thought of the supernatural as being the cause is put on the back burner and not considered.


if one is wearing 'Biblical Worldview Glasses', then another option is on the table which is:

Since these surges occurred just before death, is it possible that these individuals were suddenly seeing into their next 'existence' ! ? !

Secular folks usually think that there is nothing after death. Thus, they logically would not consider the fact that the dying individuals were actually 'seeing' what happens and where they 'go' at death.

Biblical folks, on the other hand, do believe that there is 'existence after death', either in Hell or in Heaven.

And, when the dying individual 'saw' where they were going (to hell or to heaven), this would definitely and logically cause a brain surge! I know it would for me!

This is why I found this article so interesting. At the time of death, there apparently is a recordable brain wave surge indicating that something is happening that is very remarkable, to say the least.

The secular folks in this article interpreted the surge to be some kind of physiological event related to the cessation of the blood flow producing a burst of energy, etc.

But, IF this burst of energy is because the dying individual is seeing his eternal future, then ...

Well, I am sure you are thinking what I am thinking at this point.

And that is --

IF death is not just the 'end of it all' but there is an eternity to be spent in either heaven or hell, then what must I do to be SURE it is spent in heaven?

The Bible says that the ONLY way to spend eternity in heaven is to "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved" (saved from eternity in hell TO eternity in heaven).

Jesus also said that "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (i.e. goes to heaven) except through Me (Jesus)."

Previously, on the blog, we told you about a book that relates many actual deathbed experiences. Those folks DID see their eternal future as they died. Some saw Heaven. Some saw Hell. I would expect that had the researchers had their brain wave recording apparatus on those folks, they would have also seen 'surges'.

If you have not yet read that book or portions of it, HERE'S THE LINK.

Yes, there IS an eternity after death. And it is not just 'nothingness'. It is REAL and will either be more wonderful (in heaven) or more awful (in hell) than you could ever imagine. And there is no 'changing sides' after you die. The decision to accept and obey The Lord Jesus Christ MUST be made on this side of death. There will be NO second chance.

So, decide today ! Now ! Do not wait ! Do not procrastinate.

Don't let your 'brain surge' at death be because you are seeing Hell !!!

Instead, let it be because you are seeing your eternal home in Heaven where you are being greeted by Jesus and family members and friends and countless others who are believers and followers of Christ who preceded you.

If you are not sure you are 'saved', and want to be sure, then CLICK HERE and also CLICK HERE
