
The first "Peace Indaba" will be held this year 2014 on March to commemorate the World Poetry Day as well as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which was established after the Sharpeville Massacre

It will be centered on the figure of Nelson Mandela, whose recent decease has left the world without one of its most important references for the building of a Culture of Peace, and to whom this web page is dedicated.

The activity could also somehow be related to the Week of Action against Racism, which is centered around march 21.

Every participating school would have the opportunity to share with the other UNESCO-schools:

1- a brief Power Point presentation of their activities in relation to one of the following UNESCO-ASP working subjects:

Education for Peace and Human Rights, Rapprochement of Cultures, Palestine 2014

2- a sentence from Nelson Mandela in their own language as well as translated to other languages (see left column for a list of sentences with signs)

3- a short poem related to the forementioned subjects, and making at the same time the international signs Yogote for the main ideas, as can be seen in the website ).

Taking into account the fact that march 21 is the Human Rights Day for South African schools (a public holiday), the proposed schedule of activities is as follows:

-Peace Indaba , on Monday 24 in the morning (Europe and Africa), around UTC 9:30h to 10:30h.

Participants (insofar as possible) schools in South Africa , Russia, Turkey , Palestine , Ukraine , Bulgaria , Austria , Germany and the Iberian Peninsula (the language of communication will be English, mixed with the native languages, with the international signs as an additional and common communication element ) .

-Ágora de Paz, on the same Monday 24 in the afternoon, (morning time in America)

It would be almost a second lap of a session already held in January (which is explained below), with two differences : the incorporation of poetic fragments, and the presence of schools throughout Latin America, and as far as possible, from the Iberian peninsula, Italy and Romania that can participate in the afternoon . We will try to use any Romance language for oral communication (if possible with the use of common gestures, known to all presenters because of been previously published ) . The power points should be in a language different from the one used to talk.

More information about the procedure for the presentations: HERE

How to participate:

This activity is coordinated by the teaching staff of the Education Faculty of Pontevedra, belonging to the University of Vigo, who act as hosts and moderators, with the technical support of UVigoTV, the television and multimedia services of the same University.

instructions for PARTICIPANTS

Instructions for PRESENTERS