The name Indaba (South African English, borrowed from the Zulu Language) means "conference, meeting", and is widely used in relation to activities where people with a common interest gather together to discuss the issue openly.

We will use the term "Peace Indaba" for activities that join students from different parts of the world in a common Internet room where they can share and discuss some aspect of Peace Education in a multilateral videoconference.

The first "Peace Indaba" were held on 2014 to commemorate the Peace Day and the World Poetry Day as well as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which was established after the Sharpeville Massacre

They have been centered on the figure of Nelson Mandela, whose recent decease had left the world without one of its most important references for the building of a Culture of Peace, and to whom this web page is dedicated.

The activity could also somehow be related to the Week of Action against Racism, which is centered around march 21

Peace Indaba 2014- Participating schools

Map & Time Zones

Clic to see an interactive MAP.

The conferences were coordinated by the Education Faculty of Pontevedra (University of Vigo):

There were three conferences, each marked with a different colour.


January 31, in Spanish


IES Luis Seoane, Galice

CEIP Son Serra, Mallorca

IES Pedra da Auga, Galice

S. Félix C Ikast. , Euskadi

CEIP Isidª Riestra, Galice

IES Pazo da Mercé, Galice

CEP Campolongo, Galice


EA de SS de Sta. Coloma


IPVCE Che Guevara


March 24, in Spanish

Education Faculty, Vigo Univ.

SS 1º gr.Michelangelo, ITALY

Liceul Cervantes, ROMANIA

Gimn. J. Plečnika, SLOVENIA

IES Luis Seoane, SPAIN

Col. Albert Camus, MÉXICO

Col. Magno, BRASIL

CEIP Nª Sª de la Sierra, SPAIN

Col. Int. Canadiense, COSTA RICA

ISP Santa Rosa, PERÚ


March 24, in English


IES Pedra da Auga, SPAIN

Zwelibanzi HS, SOUTH AFRICA)

Lomonosov TSS, BULGARY

Kempeleen Lukio, FINLAND


Baktay Ervin Gim,.HUNGARY

LS D Carlo La Mura, ITALY

S.137 Angel Kanchev, BULGARY

Aziz Shaheen Girls S, PALESTINE


Every participating school had the opportunity to share with the other UNESCO-schools:

1- a brief Power Point presentation of their activities in relation to one of the following UNESCO-ASP working subjects:

Education for Peace and Human Rights, Rapprochement of Cultures, Palestine 2014

2- a sentence from Nelson Mandela in their own language as well as translated to other languages (see left column for a list of sentences with signs)

3- a short poem related to the forementioned subjects, and making at the same time the international signs Yogote for the main ideas, as can be seen in the website ).