Common Signs

We present a small collection of signs that can be used by all the presenters in this activity.

In this way, even if they say these words in their own language, they can be understood by all the other participants.

If you want to see how to make a certain gesture, just clic on its sign.

Hello, Greeting

Participant, Guest

Good-Bye, Farewell

Thank you, Thank

Student, Learn

Name, Call

School, Teach

Present, Expose

Day, Schedule

World, Global

Peace, Pacifism

Poem, Hand

Hope, Wish

Union, Together

Friend, Friendship

Get, Reach

Same, Brother

Different, Distinct

All, Whole

Power, Possible

Happy, Funny


Life, Heart

Love, Like

If you want to make any further gesture with another idea during your presentation, you can look for it in the DICTIONARIES.