Quiz 8 - Prepositions of movement

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Projeto de Extensão

Coordenação geral: Prof. Isaias Carvalho

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Quiz 8

Prepositions of movement

Shepherd, J. et al. Ways to Grammar. Macmillan, 1990.

Part 1. Complete the following with prepositions from the box:

1 Hilary and Tensing went Mount Everest in 1953.

2 Magellan sailed the world in 1521.

3 Carthaginian sailors sailed the Rock of Gibraltar and into the Atlantic before the birth of Christ.

4 Nobody has yet gone to the bottom of that ocean.

5 Ships usually go the Suez Canal so as to avoid going the southern tip of Africa.

6 In 1979 a man flew the English Channel in a pedal-driven plane.

7 Many ships have sunk trying to sail the Straits of Magellan from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

8 The first man to go the River Nile to its source was Sir Richard Burton.

9 In 1979 an American space craft flew the planet Saturn on its way to Uranus and Pluto.

10 Thirty years ago planes flew from the USA to Britain Canada and Iceland.

11 On his non-stop voyage Britain to Australia, Chichester first sailed across the Atlantic South America.

12 Scott and his party reached the South Pole but died as they were walking from it to get back to their ship.

Part 2. Complete the following with prepositions from the box (use some of the prepositions more than once):

The police were holding back the crowds, so nobody could get (a) the bridge for more than an hour. The President’s car drove (b) the main street and turned right on East 54th Street. Then the car went (c) the tunnel under the river, emerged on the other side, and went (d) the hill to the war memorial at the top. After a few minutes, the presidential car came (e) the hill again, drove (f) the palace without stopping, and started to go right (g) the outside edge of the city.

Part 3. At the river’s edge, the explorers divided into two parties. The first party went downstream (a) the river to see if the river went (b) the base of the hill that they could all see; the second party went (c) the river and (d) the jungle straight to the hill. When they got to the hill, the second party divided into two groups. A small group went (e) the hill to see what they could see from the top and (f) the hill on the other side. The main group, including the women and children, went (g) the hill without climbing it and met the climbers on the other side.

Prepositions of place and direction

Complete the following with appropriate prepositions:

Part 4. In 1927 Charles Lindbergh flew alone (a) the US (b) Paris (c) a plane called ‘The Spirit of St. Louis’: the name was written (d) the side of the plane. There was a great crowd (e) the airport outside Paris when Lindbergh arrived, and as he got (f) the plane, a tremendous cheer went up. The famous pilot was driven (g) Paris (h) an open car with an escort of policeman (i) motorcycles.

past through(2) across down round up(2) towards via away from

along across through up down past round

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Itabuna/Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil

Ilustrações dos temas na base da página por: Wellington Mendes da Silva Filho