
The Cochise County Rock

Monthly Newsletter of the Sunsites Gem & Mineral Club

“Finding and Grinding Rocks in Cochise County, Arizona Since 1962”


This issue edited by Paul McKnight


October Field Trip

In keeping with our plan to take shorter field trips this fall due to the price of gasoline, Bob Fenner is taking us to the old marble quarry at the end of Lizard Lane. It has become the subject of heated debate due to plans to revive it as an active operation. Shortly after we announced at the September meeting that this field trip would be on a Saturday, Bob Fenner discovered that he would not be available that day. So the new plan is to meet at the intersection of Dragoon Road and Lizard Lane at 10 am, Sunday, October 23. Our apologies for this unavoidable change.

October Meeting

Our October meeting will take place at the Senior Center on Monday, October 10 at 7 p.m.

Our current by-laws state: “By October 15 of each year, a Nominating Committee consisting of a Chairman, appointed by the President, and two (2) additional members, selected by the Chairman, shall present a slate of at least one candidate for each elected office to the Club… Elections shall take place at the November meeting.” The President has appointed Retha Brouhard as the Chair.

Our after-meeting entertainment will be provided by Richard Bishop. He will show some old-time movies about life in the mining camps of the West.

September Field Trip Report

Last month’s newsletter speculated that we might find something more exotic than yard rocks and low-grade obsidian at Oak Creek in the foothills of the Chiricahuas. After we loaded up everyone’s vehicle with yard rocks, we headed upstream and found a section of hillside with a lot of Agate and Chalcedony eroded out and waiting to be picked up. Thanks to Linda Porter, who wandered away from the creek and up the hillside, for first discovering that the hills were full of Agates.


Minutes of the September 12, 2005 meeting of the Sunsites Gem and Mineral Club

Attending: Larry Edgett, Jack Weller, Cindy Weller, Barbara Yeager, Dick Yeager, Linda Porter, Carol Pontious, Irvin Pontious, Corrine Morrison, Larry Strout, Barbara Fenner, Bob Fenner, Dan Moore, Richard Nitz, Maureen Nitz, Lucy Stevens, John A. Stevens, Walter Sigel, Jeannine Paterson, Retha Brouhard, Rick Bishop, Sue Bishop, Paul McKnight

President Paul McKnight called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. There were no proposed changes to the May minutes so they stand approved as published in the June Newsletter.

Larry Edgett reported on the state of the Treasury. Our expenses during the summer were minimal and the lapidary classes brought in some money. The current balance was $4726.16. The Treasurer’s report was approved.

Larry Strout reported that the Saturday lapidary class continues. He is organizing a silversmithing class and funds from the lapidary budget will be used to purchase some supplies for the class. Class fees should be enough to recover the up front costs.

The choice area at 6-mile hill is covered by the existing claims, so the club will not be able to locate a claim there.

Paul McKnight reported for the Board that the September field trip will be Saturday the 17th to Ash Creek in the Chiricahua foothills. Meet at 9 am at the Mustang Mall in Sunizona.

The October program will consist of movies about life in the old mining towns of the West. It will be presented by Richard Bishop.

The October Field trip will be to the Dragoon Marble Mine led by Bob Fenner.

Richard Yeager, a Club member and also a representative of the Senior Center, explained that the Center is going to have to raise its rates and is requesting that non-profit organizations such as the Club make voluntary contributions for the use of the building.

The Board of Directors will meet prior to the next club meeting to discuss this request and come up with a proposal.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm. A concert by Randy Stewart followed the meeting.

Club Calendar


8 Board Meeting

10 Regular meeting followed by movies

23 Field Trip Sunday 10 am at the foot of Lizard Lane on Dragoon Road.


12 Board Meeting

14 Regular Meeting – elections, no speaker

19 Field Trip


5 or 12 Christmas Party – potluck

Lapidary Classes! Silversmithing Classes!

Anyone who would like to get started with lapidary training or silversmithing should contact Larry Strout at 826-3991


You're probably a practicing rockhound if…

You still think pet rocks are a pretty neat idea.

You get excited when you discover a hardware store that stocks 16 pound sledge hammers and 5 foot long pry bars.

You debate for months on the Internet concerning the relative advantages and drawbacks of vibratory verses drum tumblers.

Your employer has asked you not to bring any more rocks to the office until they have time to reinforce the floor.

You decide not to get married because you'd rather keep the rock.


Upcoming Regional Events

Oct. 8-9 – Payson Rimstones Rock Club 8th Annual Gem and Mineral Show

Tonto Apache Reservation Recreation Center on Hwy 87 next to Mazatzal Casino, Payson

Hand-crafted jewelry, Gems, Minerals, and Lapidary Arts

Oct. 15 - Sedona Gem & Mineral Club 4th Annual Rock Sale and Show

Posse Grounds Park, off Hwy 89A, Sedona, AZ

Sat.9 - 4; free admission; rock, mineral, and equipment sales, hourly raffles, hand-made jewelry,

free kid’s rocks and games.

Contact: Pat McMahan, (928) 634-2404.

Oct. 15-16 - 31st Annual Show - Huachuca Mineral & Gem Club

Elks Lodge # 2065, 1 Elks Ln., Sierra Vista, AZ

Sat 9 - 6, Sun 9 - 4; free admission; gems, jewelry, rocks, minerals, lapidary materials and equipment, books, tools, demonstrations, field trips, hourly prizes.

Contact Larry Nelson, P.O. Box 1596, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636, (520) 459-5211

e-mail:; or Bill Jaeger, (520) 803-6590; e-mail:

List of Club Officers for 2005

President Paul McKnight 520 824-4054

Vice-President Curt Kelly 520 826-1136

Secretary Don Hammer 520 384-3105

Treasurer Larry Edgett

Board Member at large Marie Sherman 520 826-4004

Do You know about this Rock Shop?

Club member Gary Mattausch has the least-known rock shop in the state on his property along the lower San Pedro River. The Club visited this shop on one of the early 2005 field trips.