5g: IsBetweenλ()


IsBetweenλ() determines if a value is between two other values. 


IsBetweenλ( Values, Low, High, Inclusive, [Diagnostics] )

The IsBetweenλ function has the following arguments:

Values (Required)

This can be one or more values to test if between two boundaries. Values can be numbers, dates, or text.

Low (Required)

This is the lowest boundary to test. Low must contain only one entry or the same number of entries as Values.

High (Required)
This is the highest boundary to test. High must contain only one entry or the same number of entries as Values..

Inclusive (Optional)
If TRUE (default), Values may equal the High and Low boundaries.

Diagnostics (Optional)
If TRUE, input errors that can occur after formula entry will display as diagnostic messages. The default is FALSE. It is recommended that models have a named range called Diagnostics and this named range be set to TRUE during model development and then set to FALSE when the model is placed into production.


We can use IsBetweenλ() to check and array of values against and array of upper and lower boundaries (upper example).

We can also use IsBetweenλ() to check an array of values against a single upper and lower boundary (lower example).