Naming Convention

Discussions about naming conventions can get heated. I am not sure why. But I am sure some readers will violently disagree with my convention and have lots to say as to why their convention is better or no convention is best. Keep that in mind and take what I’m about to say as:

    • This is what I do

    • Here is insight as to why I do it

    • And help on how to read my code.

It's not perfect. It is evolving. Our recent code looks different from older code and we haven't expended the effort to normalize it because that doesn't add business value. Which only illustrates why I'm not sure why some people feel so strongly about this subject.

Camel Case
All my names consist of abbreviations strung together in “lower camel case”. Everything is in lower case EXCEPT the first letter of an abbreviations, name or word. Variable prefixes are lower case.

I’m not a fanatic and sometimes break my own rule such as when I abbreviate Excel as: XL (all upper case).

Somethings are strung together differently.

Abbreviation Tables