SQL: Getting Worksheet Names

Post date: Nov 3, 2020 7:21:40 PM

SQL can read worksheet names from Excel workbooks even if the workbooks are closed with protected worksheets.

NOTE! Power Query may be a better option.

The basic method for reading from Excel workbooks is the same as normal databases.

    1. Create a Connection Object

    2. Create a Catalog Object

  1. Open the Connection Object.

    1. Read table names (ADOX Tables = Excel Worksheets)

    2. Copy names to an Excel range

    3. When finished, close Connection Object


Below is a source workbook with several worksheets (aka tabs).

I close that workbook, open a blank workbook then use ALT-F11 to open the visual basic editor and enter this subroutine.

This subroutine can read any workbook. We just have to provide the source workbook's path and name as-well-as where we would like to put our results in the active worksheet.

To test our subroutine I created this.

When I call our Test() routine the results are:

NOTE! Excel adds a $ to the end of worksheet names.

NOTE! Anything with _xlnm is an Excel "built in" name and not a user created worksheet.


Workbook Protection

ADO cannot access password protected workbooks.

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