KAKI-LIMA: Roofed Walkway in Asian Context連続歩廊の系譜

commenced in September 1991, updated in May 28, 2020

I. Terminology用語

If it is described in simple English, it should be 'continuous roofed walkway between traffic and shopfront'

1) GANGI雁木

2) KAKI LIMA/Five Foot Way/五脚基

3) Verandah/Gallery/Loggia

4) 不見天街

II. Kaki Lima or Five Foot Way (五脚基) as Contesting Space between European and Asian Values

  A Malay term 'Kaki Lima' has various meanings, all of which are closely related to characteristic of Southeast Asian architecture and urban life. The most interesting meaning in a field of architecture is semi-open space in front of urban houses. It may be roofed continuous walkway, which looks like European arcade. The term might be translated into English 'Five Foot Way', and into Southern Chinese dialect (Hukien) 'Ngo-ka-ki (五脚 .基)', when accepted by colonists and immigrants.

  However, it seems to have been always a space of struggle between Asian inhabitants and European colonists. Form of European arcade and Asian Kaki Lima were almost same, but their concept for the space and usage were not same. This article argues the origin and development of the covered continues walkway in Southeast Asia referring to contemporary documents including public records, illustrations and descriptions.

KEY WORDS : Kaki Lima, Five Foot Way, Arcade, Walkway, Urban House, Urban History


  When Portuguese traders first arrived in Malay Archipelago to find spices in the early sixteenth century, they had to master Malay language as it was well established as lingua franca, even among Southern Chinese and Ryukyu traders. Early settlements were founded by cooperation of locals, immigrants, and traders. Local inhabitants were aware of what resources there were and in where they were. So, although they were not big consumer of the resources, they collected and stored resources to sell the commodities for foreigners. They needed jetty and settlement at proper position, preferably at the mouth of a river, which had to be soon or later authorized by local authority as port town, such as Malacca, Banten, Pattani, Hoian and so on (Fig.1).


日常、普通に使っていても、その語源がわからなかったり、語源から遊離した意味で使われている言葉がある。建築分野でいえばアーケードやヴェランダがそうで、ヨーロッパ人の東方進出との関連が指摘されている。ヨーロッパにおけるアーケードの成立について、J. F. ガイストは次のように概説している。すなわち、18世紀初頭の時点で、ヨーロッパ各地にその形態や地域言語ごとによってさまざまな「通り(Arcade, Colonnade, Corridor, Galeria, Passage, Stoa, Walk)」が存在していた。もともとは、ラテン語でアーケードは連続アーチに、またコロネードは列柱によって支えられた通りを意味し、建物の一部に付属していた。18世紀後半から19世紀にかけて、イギリスやフランスなどで産業革命によって新たな富裕層が出現し、これらの階層が「しゃれた消費空間」を都市の中に求めるようになっていた。ちょうどその時、ナポレオンのエジプト遠征などによって東方の市場の生き生きとした様子がヨーロッパにもたらされ、王侯貴族や新興富裕層が東方のバザールのイメージに重ね合わせて、通りの両側にしゃれた店舗が並ぶ新たな歩道を建設することになった。そして、その「通り」をフランス・スペイン語圏では、なんとかギャラリーあるいはパサージ、また英語圏ではなんとかアーケードと名付けた。こうして、語源とは異なる新たな「通り」=アーケード、ギャラリー、パサージュが誕生するようになった。

Fig.1 ヴェネチアのアーケード




Fig 1. Image of Foundation of Early Settlements in Malay Archipelago

Fig.2 Nieuhof's Illustration of "Market of Stuffs and Clothes" at Batavia

建物は二つの部分からなっており、「五歩(vijfingangen, five walks)」あるいはギャラリーによって隔てられている。その両側には店が並び、夜遅くまで扉を開け、営業している。



Fig.2 Port town-like Muntok in the early 19th c. Fig.3 Malacca in late 16th c. under Portuguese

  Early European traders looked for Asian products including various spices and ceramic, and called on these port towns. They described the condition of the town and reported them to home country. But, the physical image was not clear, except existence of Gedung, a detached storehouse which was regarded to be the most essential facility for the town. The European traders found this facility in most of port towns, including Pegu, Malacca and Banten. A English trader stationed in Banten in the early seventeenth century illustrated very interesting story how they built Gedung and how Chinese neighbours tried to steal his commodities. As the local authority forbade foreigners constructing masonry building, they had to build underground storage to protect valuable commodities from fire and thieves. Communities were led by each Shah Bandar, ethnic leader, and formed each ethnic quarter as we do so until now. There was not so-called town planning, except loose zoning by ethnic community and occupational group (Fig. 2, 3).

Fig. 4 Streetscape of Old Quarter, Malacca, 1986 Fig. 5 Streetscape of Old Quarter, Malacca, 1986

  After Portuguese defeated local authority in Malacca, they started to construct more substantial buildings, especially for storage. Then, they got used to call the building Gedung, and English and Dutch introduced the term into their language as Godown. Checking land allotments in old maps of Malacca, Portuguese colonial authority seemingly did not provide public walkways along street. But, most of Chinese shop-houses were constructed along street reserving a space for individual eaves (Fig. 4, 5). The eaves, of course functions as reception for guests and customers, and as protection of walls from the sunshine and rainfall. Long eaves is a particular characteristic of architecture of tropical and semitropical monsoon regions.


  Portuguese colonial authorities did not have specific idea on town planning, in contrast with Spanish who implemented extensive colonial urban development in Latin America and the Philippines. Dutch and English traders reached to this Archipelago in the early seventeenth century. Dutch was eager to establish a stronghold on the way to Spice Islands, China and Japan.

  They chose Jaya Karta (Sunda Kelapa as its port town) in north coast of eastern Java Island, and totally reconstructed this tiny port town based on their ideal town planning manner, as illustrated by P. Z. Coen, a Govoner General of VOC (Fig. 6). This new town consisted of VOC area and civic area, road and canel network, which were protected by moats and walls. Intention of Coen was very clear. He wanted to build a Dutch colonial town exclusively for Dutch citizens and show the splendours to Asian locals and other European visitors. Most of town houses were entiled to VOC staffs and citizen.

Fig.3 Batavia illustrated by Rach, 1775.          Fig.4 Batavia in 1910s


バタフィアは、オランダの東インド会社のアジア拠点であり、オランダと東インド会社の権威を示し、館員の生活を守る海外都市として建設された。街区を運河と街路が取り囲み、街路脇には並木と歩道(Trottoir)が走り、連続した建物がシークエンスを形成している。これは当時のオランダ人の都市美学を具体化したものであり、オランダ人のための都市であった。バタフィアはヨーロッパ人旅行者たちによって『東洋の女王都市(Queen City of the East)』と賞賛され、バタフィア政庁もそのように維持管理しようと勤めた。


Fig.5 Street Scene of Singapore, early 1840s.

1806年から5年間、ヨーロッパにおけるナポレオン戦争のおかげで、イギリスはジャワを一時的に占領し、そこに司令官として駐在したのがT. S. ラッフルズであった。彼は、その後シンガポールにおいて革新的な都市計画を作成するが、おそらく「ジャワ誌(History of Java)」に見られるようにオランダ人によるジャワ統治を調べた経験が大いに役だったにちがいない。


Fig. 6 Planning of Batavia by Coen, 1619 Fig. 7 Map of Batavia, 1688, "Oud Batavia"

  Therefore, VOC. provided engineers, technicians and artisans for building and maintenance of their facilities. It was really amazing that Dutch colonial town emerged on Asian land in complete image (Fig. 7). A row of Dutch town houses formed beautiful streetscape, which were supported by roadside tree and canals. Main streets were divided carriage way and 'Trottoir', walkway (Fig. 8, 9), and 'Trottoir' on canal side was furnished with a row of trees. Soon, Batavia came to be called 'Queen City of East India.' However, VOC had to pay a lot of money for maintenance, and sooner or later relied on Asian inhabitants in term of finance and labour.

Fig.6 Ginza Redeveloped after the 1872 Fire   Fig.7 Street Scene of Penang, 1988.



Fig. 8 Walkway, Carriageway, Tree Row and Canals, by J. Rach Fig. 9, Street Scene of Batavia , by J. Rach


  By the middle of the seventeen century, Batavia as a showcase of Dutch colonial town in the East was completed. As long as VOC had enough financial and human resource, they could maintain the town so in good condition. At the time, Johan Nieuhof, a Dutch diplomat and traveler stayed for more than 10 years in Batavia, and published his memories as titled “Voyages and Travels to the East Indie 1653~1670 (1682)” with a lot of illustrations. This book was so widely read by European that it was translated into English, French and German together with his earlier publication “An Embassy from the East India Company of the United Provinces to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperour of China (1669).”

Among buildings and facilities in Batavia, Nieuhof described 'Hall for the Sale of Stuffs and Cloths ready made' with big surprise as follows,

"The whole building is of too, being divided into five walks or galleries, having shops on each side;

and as many doors from without, which are kept open day and night because the shopkeepers don't

put up their commodities till very late at night."

  He prepared a drawing to illustrate this facility (Fig. 9). Checking his description and drawing, this market facility was occupied by Chinese retailers and had a central corridor or gallery between two long shop buildings. Too buildings was supposedly constructed at interval of certain feet to place central corridor, which was roofed to protect commodities and customers from the sunshine and rainfall.

Fig.8 Street Scene in 1890s.







Fig. 10 Ready Made Clothing Market, Batavia by J. Nieuhof Fig. 11 Stall under the eaves in Jakarta, 1986

  More interesting thing is name of the corridor, which was called 'five walks' in local language. At the time, Malay was already common language among local inhabitants including Chinese, Javanese, Bugis and so on. The Malay name must be 'Kaki Lima,' which did not mean width of space, but just name of a space. In Malay language, actually it must be 'Lima Kaki', if it means a length. Anyhow, local inhabitants already understood that 'Kaki Lima' was not width of a space, but certain space.

  It can be supposed that when retailers build market buildings facing each other, they were used to have a corridor as wide as five feet, and usually called it just 'Kaki Lima' in Malay lanuage. Same caese are actually found in old Chinese and Japanese language too. 'Five feet (五尺)" mean a 'Byobu (屏風, painted folding screen)' and 'Madokoro (間所, bow)' of ship. As the most talented carpenters in Batavia were Chinese, 'Kali Lima' is possibly Chinese origin. They were used to translate the term into Malay in reverse order as not 'lima kaki' but 'Kaki Lima'.

Fig.9 Transformation from Kaki Lima to Food Court in Singapore





Fig. 12 Stalls on street in Penang, 1991 Fig. 13 Stalls under the eaves in Hoian, 1993 

Fig. 14 Various Stalls under the eaves and on streets


  VOC colonial authority in Batavia provided 'Trottoir' for pedestrians. It was public sidewalk as wide as three to four feet, and not roofed. However, as Chinese population increases, they came to utilize and occupy the sidewalk temporarily or semi-permanently for setting up their stalls or barracks . Successive Governor Generals of Batavia issued nuisance orders to clear off 'Bovenstoep,' from sidewalk in the early eighteenth century because it destroyed uniformity and regularity of streetscape. In Europe of Baroque period, streets were rearranged in grand manner, most popularly by construction of arcade between row of shops and sidewalk, and obstructive and ugly activities on street was never allowed.

  In spite of their continuous efforts, Batavia colonial authority failed to control such illegal activities, and eventually tension between Dutch and Chinese inhabitans culminated in a event of 1741, knows as Chinese Massacre. Asian inhabitants in colonial towns, especially Chinese were mostly immigrants of single male, and needed instant and speedy urban life. numerous stalls provided a variety of services for them. The most typical one was selling cigarettes, medicines, foods, beverages, miscellaneous goods on sidewalk by carrying commodities as hawker or setting up tables at busy site for a while.

So, European and Asian values in term of street-scape and urban life differed each other and their values crashed repeatedly in European colonial towns. European side as colonial authority took measure and forbide inhabitans from doing so by force of regulations and police force.


  T. F. Raffles, a talented English EIC. officials stationed in Java as governor general during the Napoleonic Wars. As he had strong intention to establish stronghold for British Asian trade, he learned Dutch experience how they tried to ruled the island, he considered how English had to do that. As Engish had to return Java to Dutch after the war, Raffles established new colonial town in Singapore Island with new idea.

In 1822, Raffles issued town planning regulations, and its significance was to provide regularity and uniformity for the new town by constructing 'verandah' or 'uniform covered continuous walkaways' along streets (Fig. 15). He probably considered that a term 'verandah' was more acceptable for Asian inhabitans rather than arcade. 'Verandah' supported by a row of column gave senses of regularity and uniformity to passers-by and concealed confused shop fronts and various stalls from eyes of passers-by (Fig. 16).

Fig.10 Arcade in Taipei, 1990.







Fig. 15 Plan of Singapore, by Lieut. P. Jackson, 1822 Fig. 16 Singapore Streetscape, by J. T. Thomson, 1846

Fig.11 Chadwick's Report of Unsanitary Shophouse in Hong kong  Fig.12 One of Proposed Urban Improvement in Hong Kong






Fig. 17 Verandah in Hong Kong, 1880s Fig. 18 Verandah after 'Verandah Regulations', 1890s

  It was called 'verandah' in official documents, 'Five Foot Way' in local English, 'Kaki Lima' in Malay, and 'Ngo-Ka-Ki' in Fukien dialect. The minimum width was stipulated in land lease document as six feet, and owners had to reserve six feet wide land along street for the verandah. As Raffles allowed land owners to build the secound floor above the verandah, streetscape was not so grand nor splendid. Even Singapore's verandah was constructed on private land, it functioned as public walkway. Land owners and shop owners hardly understood why they had to give up their right of the space, and it caused a lot of struggles between colonial authority and owners, as described by Yeoh.

Hong Kong, however, was occupied by British after twenty years the Singapore town planning, and the town was developed in a different way. Because the colonial government at first issued no comprehensive town planning regulations, Chinese inhabitants built their houses as they wished. And so, they came to live near European inhabitants, who gradually felt threatened by the possibility of fire and diseases cased by Chinese neighbours. In 1856, the colonial government established the first building regulation, 'An Ordinance for Buildings and Nuisances,' but Chinese continued to construct verandahs projecting over public walkaways.

  In 1878, the colonial government decided to issue a 'Verandah Regulation,' which permitted house and land owners to construct verandahs over public walkaways, generally two ~ three meters in width, if they met certain requirements. O. Chadwich, a sanitary engineer commissioned to investigate the sanitary and housing conditions of Hong Kong, supported the 'Verandah Regulation' because it would have allowed an increase in living space in the Chinese settlement (Fig. 17, 18). 


  Hereby agree, in consideration being permitted by his Excellency the Governor to erect verandah over Crown land adjoining house No.xxxxxxx Lot No. xxxxxxx Hong Kong, during the construction of the said verandah in no way to deviate from the plan thereof supplied, signed, and deposed herewith in the office of the Surveyor General.

II. further agree for,  heirs, executor, administrators, and assigns, that  will not at any future time make any addition or alteration to the said verandah by erecting any portion therein or by inclosing any portion thereof, nor shall any one make any used of  as  bath-room, urial, water-closet, sleeping apartment, store or cook room, nor allow any rain or other water to be projected therefrom on the thoroughfare.

III. That    will always keep the said verandah in good repair, and will paint and cleanse the same whenever required by the Surveyor General to do so.

  Eventually, through this different process, the towns cape of Hong Kong came to resemble that of Singapore.


During the same period, roofed walkaway also appeared in Taiwanese towns. In 1881, the Ch'ing government of China appointed a new governor of Taiwan, who is known to have promoted various modernization projects. One of them was a town improvement project, which was aimed at modernizing the towns cape by obliging each land owner to provide a certain depth of Heng-Zai-Jiao (亭子脚) along the streets as a roofed walkaway for pedestrians.

This kind of walkaway have not been common in Taiwan before this project, according to a report on 'Sanitary Condition of Taiwan', published in 1910. These walkaways, however, was often obstructed by shop owners who put commodities in that space. After the Japanese occupied Taiwan, the government added regulations in order to make Heng-Zai-Jiao more usable (Fig. 19).

  As soon as the Chinese Republic established a new government in Canton in 1912, the Department of Police and Public Works issued Building Regulations and obligated each house owner to provide Yu-Jiao-Qi-Lou (有脚騎廊 ), a roofed walkways eight feet wide along the street, and to maintain them without any nuisance to pedestrians (Fig. 20). During the 1920s, similar town planning regulations were introduced by the Swatow, Chang Chou and Amoy municipal governments for their own urban modernization.

Fig. 19 Heng Zai Jiao in Taipei, 1988 Fig. 20 Yu Jiao Qi Lou in Quanzhou, 1988


Individual roofed terrace, called Kaki Lima, Heng Zai Jiao or Yu Jiao Qi Lou is a feature of vernacular houses in Southeast Asia and South China which protects people and commodities from rain and sunshine. However, in the process of modernization, the space was constructed as public roofed walkway by law to give regularity and uniformity to towns capes. Such European value was not understood fully by Asian locals, and cased many struggles between them.


I express my gratitude to Prof. Ezrln Arbi of Universiti Malaya, Prof. Kato Tsuyoshi of Ryukoku University and Prof. Fukami Sumio of St. Andrew University for their advises and to the Japan Foundation, the Toyota Foundation and the Housing Research Institute their research grants.


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Southeast Asia, Transaction of Architectural Institute of Japan, vol. 413, 1990, pp.161-172.

2. ditto., Typology of Roofed Continuous Walkways in Modern Town Planning, Part 2 A Study on Colonial Cities

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3. ditto., Settlement Improvements in the Former Hong Kong Colony According to Reports by O. Chadwick, Part 3

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4. Archives and Oral History Department of Singapore, Five Foot Way Traders, Singapore, 1985.5

5. Schoch, Lilli N., Kaki Lima and Streethawkers in Indonesia, Jakarta, 1986.

6. Nieuhof, Johan, Travels and Voyages to East Indies, 1987, rp., p.277.

7. Oud Batavia, 1919

8. Johannes Rach En Zijn Werk, 1778, reprented 1928.

9. Greig, Doreen, The Reluctant Colonists, 1987.

10. Hong Kong Colonial Government, Verandah Regulation, British Parliamentary Papers: Hong Kong, 1978.

11. Mr. Chadwick's Report on Sanitary Condition of Hong Kong, British Parliamentary Papers: Hong Kong, 1978.

12. Taiwan Institute of Public Health, Sanitary Condition of Taiwan, 1910.

13. Yoeh, B. S. A., Contesting Space Power Relations and the Urban Built Environment in Colonial Singapore, 1996.