New Plastic Electromagnetic AC, DC Generator/Motor




This Generator/Motor has 5 Electromagnets in each Stator powering the 2 permanent Magnets in each of 3 Rotors. As the Permanent Magnet comes face to face with the Electromagnets, Polarity is changed to: N, N, & SS, compressing the “Magnetic Field”, it must go. The opposite Permanent magnet is being repelled by the last E-mag and attracted by the next E-mag causing rotation. A secondary winding on the E-mag Generates massive AC power.

I know this flies in the face the "laws of physics" however this is a new paradigm; we are using both sides of the magnetic field. The energy we use

is only changing polarity on the Electromagnets. The Permanent Magnets and Centrifugal force do the work; the transformers are 97% separate from the operation of the motor.

This is the first time in recorded history that anyone has a machine that produces more energy than it uses. You need to see the attached animation to understand the function.

The lead gives up electrons as it comes off the battery grid to change the polarity and make the motor run. As polarity is changed massive AC electrons are produced, some is converted to DC and returns the lead back to the grid.


ATTACHED IS OUR PREASSEMBLY (PICTURE 28), OF THE 600-1200 HP MOTOR 15" X 27" Generator/Motor.


Our Proto-type Generator/Motor @ FRANKENMUTH MI. High School Cafeteria powered the moped 8 miles in one hour, carrying 300# rider &


This proto-type motor (picture 18) is smaller than my fist, 3" in diameter, O.2 HP, @ 7000 RPM

The batteries were fully charged @ the end of the hour.

Please read the letter written by an independent engineer and call him.

Our new Working Generator/Motor will be immanently better as it is designed to generate 600- 1200 hp and 440 volts @ 50 amps.

Sending the almost completed attached Generator/Motor photos.

It generates so much Electrical energy were having difficulty getting

components to handle it. We will have it worked out in a few days. We

blew out 300amp, 600VAC transistors, now we are looking for

1000Amp, 1500 VAC ones.

The Generator/Motor once started by battery; the core and primary

winding generate more than enough to sustain the motor operation. The

10 phase Secondary generation is available for any other use.

One of the good things that came out of our R/D is: when we remove

the motor component, change the cores to copper, (non magnetic), free

wheeling, Brush less, it will generate 20 times what a conventional wind

turbine will generate with a much smaller blade and operate many years

with out service.

Henry Johnson

TWM Technology LLC

PS. Were getting these values, by turning the motor with an aux.

motor to learn the values.

This is a note from Brett.

We know the voltage but not the amperage. We're getting 120 v out of the

primaries and 250v out of the secondary. So 370v out of each coil (not each

set). So it should be 740volts per set. So if our calculations are correct we

should have 3700 volts at 1500 RPM. It only takes 220 volts to supply a

house. It is scary/dangerous what it might produce at 3600 RPM's.

When it's at 3200 - 3600 RPM's it will produce perfect 60 cycle AC power.

Henry Johnson

TWM Technology LLC

3490 E. N. Union rd.

Bay City MI.


我不太理解第一段的意思,我想應該是這樣吧,有5個定子和3個轉子,每個定子都是電磁鐵,每個轉子有2個永久磁鐵。依據轉子的位置改變電磁鐵的極性,就會使轉子轉 動了。以上是懂馬達運作原理的人都會懂的。再來就是定子是電磁鐵都有次級線圈(secondary winding),轉子轉動的時候,在次極線圈會感應電動勢。依據以下的說明,大意應該是說次極線圈的輸出功率會超過提供給定子的電磁鐵的功率。

有興趣的人,在網路上搜尋 Bedini SG,研究一下,大概可以理解其運作原理,只是還沒有看到肯定可以超過100%效率的結果。