Page 10 : 顛覆楞次定律的實驗 An Experiment in Bending "Lenz's Law"

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這是一個簡單且直接的實驗,但是因為涉及高轉矩及高轉速,得做一個發電機,而且為了你的安全,你的轉子、軸承、框架和軸心必需儘可能的做得精準和有良好的平衡。製作轉子和框架所選用的材料必需要結實堅固,而且是耐熱的。 All care should be taken to centre align the drive motor and alternator shafts. All safety precautions should be exercised, before running the combination motor driver and alternator as shown in Fig 31 below. 在這一頁的最後是可以列印出來的轉子和框架的樣板,其大小就是此實驗所使用的實際大小。你必需取得 3 個一樣的 12 V 永磁式 DC 並激馬達(Shunt Wound Motor)。 Whew! 聽起來有點難 - 實際上是很容易的。這就像蝸牛一樣的平常! 至少要有2個 DC 馬達才能進行實驗,但是若有3個DC 馬達,實驗會更容易些,並且可以立即比較兩者之間的差易。

上面的 Fig 31 繪示平面轉子的開放磁系統發電機 (planar rotor open magnetic systen alternator),有 8 個中空鐵心 (沒有繪示所有的鐵心),每個鐵心用0.63 mm 的變壓器線,繞 80-100 圈,這些是低阻抗的線圈。此發電機由一般的 12 V 高轉矩永磁式 DC 並激馬達來帶動。用來實驗的理想尺寸和功率範圍的DC馬達,可以在高品質的 12 V無線電鑽中找到。這馬達不會太大,但是它們 "pack a lot of throttle"! 馬達的大小通常為直徑約25-40 mm 以及長度約 45-60 mm。它們可以承受高達10 amp的短暫大電流,並且在適當負載下的 3 -4 Amp 正常的運轉一段時間。這實驗不用進行很久,所以這種馬達很合適! 這種馬達很便宜,也很容易取得,而且以其大小來說,它們算是轉速高又有力。

Not only are their torque characteristics good, but, because they are DC and Shielded, any "peculiar effects" noticed in your experiment will not be falsely attributed to any "Pulsing Current" or "Pulsing Voltage". Not-withstanding any voltage peaks introduced, if the brushes of the DC motor are exremely worn, and you are using Digital Meters. Other than that, the current supply will be straight, clean DC Especially if you use a 12Volt Battery for your supply. 在視線可及的範圍內沒有 "Adams Motor" 或其他脈波機械,在這個實驗中你可以證明使用任何"open magnetic system"就可以用平常的AC "顛覆 (bend)" 楞次定律 (Lenz's Law),並且這個 "顛覆" 不用以任何方式依賴脈波電流或脈波電壓

Fig 32 below shows how the alternator coils should be wired. Note that 4 coils have the wires crossed over and 4 do not. This is an alternator and the coils must be equal to and sychronous with the alternating rotor magnet poles. This is an ordinary AC coil arrangement!

還記得 page 8 的實驗 Figs 24 和 25 嗎? comparing a DC generator output with the Rectified output of the Adams Pick-up coils. We compared the differences in the "breaking effect" of an open and closed magnetic system. And if things went right for you, you noticed a "strange effect" with the open magnetic system. This following experiment is meant to exaggerate that effect, so that it is undeniable and unmistakable. The key factors here are torque and speed. And hence"frequency"!

Well here's the experiment again, with Fig 33 Below, except there is now an ordinary motor, driving the open magnetic system alternator. The alternator is a "true" alternator with an alternating North and South pole rotor, and alternately connected pick-up coils. The Resistor Load Panel has been replaced with an Incandescent Globe Panel. The Globe Panel does exactly the same thing as the Resistor Panel, but looks more Spectacular! (LOL)! Each globe has a measurable DC resistance of approximately 12 ohms. So thats 12 V / 12 Ohms = 1 amp per globe. Max globe power at 12 V = 12 V x 1 amp = 12 watts. Typical Automobile Globes from anywhere.You can use either sort of Load Panel as the result will be the same in both cases.

In the experiment on page 8 was Fig 24 with a subsequent explanation. It's repeated below, with edits, with the reference now relating to Group A in Fig 33 above:

" when motor A is connected to the supply, it turns motor B by common coupling at the shafts of each motor. Motor B is generating a Voltage produced by the Torque from Motor A, so we'll refer to Motor B as the Generator. The output Voltage from the Generator will not be quite as high as the input voltage to Motor A because of transference losses. All load switches are open and there is no load on the generator, so both the motor and generator will turn readily together at a high speed.

But as soon as you close the switch to R1/Globe1, the generator circuit will provide current to the resistor, and this will cause a breaking effect due to Lenz's Law. This will cause the motor to slow down a bit because it has to work harder to maintain RPM against the oppositon created by the generator. Now switch on R2, then R3, R4, R5, R6, until you switch on the short circuit at the end of the generator output line. Each time you switch on another Resistor/Globe, the breaking effect due to Lenz's Law will increase with increased current (shown by the current meter). At short circuit, the breaking effect within the generator will become so great that it will cause Motor A to stall and start "smoking" if you leave it connected too long! . As the breaking effect takes place you will see the supply current increase dramatically with each increase in load, as Motor A works harder to achieve continued rotation."

Then on Page 8 was Fig 25 with a subsequent explanation. It's repeated below, with edits, with the reference now relating to Group B in Fig 33 above:

"the pick-up coils are connected via a full wave bridge to the Load Panel for both measurement purposes and to compare like with like. The experiment with the two DC motors produces DC output because the DC motor coils are connected via commutator switches. So we'll rectify and make the alternator output DC as well. Now repeat the previous experiment. Be aware you are not trying to create a true comparison between the DC motors and your alternator per se, but a comparison in the way Lenz's Law affects or doesn't affect them. Turn on the supply to your alternators DC drive motor, let the whole assembly reach top speed, then start switching the load Resistors/Globes on, one by one, from R1/Globe1 to the Short Circuit.

To repeat what should be : "According to Lenz's Law, you should perceive a slowing of the rotor because the current induced into the coils opposes the movement of the rotor."

What actually happens ?????. If your alternator is operating within the "realm of disbelief", as it likely will (LOL), you will notice something very strange!!.

You may notice the following:


當R1/Globe1接上,馬達稍微慢了一點點。當R2/Globe2接上,馬達可能又會慢了一點,但沒有像接上R1/G1時慢那麼多。但是,當你將 R3/Globe3 接上,馬達的速度看起來完全沒變。你繼續做下去,而且發現當你將 R4/G4 接上,馬達的速度似乎變得更快了。5 和 6 也是一樣。它的速度幾乎就是開始時的速度。然後,你將會大大的感到訝異,你將電路短路,馬達會變成全速運轉,就好像完全沒有負載一樣。


Now this is what I have personally observed in countless experiments and numerous different open magnetic alternating systems. Replicate it Please !!!!" "

參見下面的 Fig 34 ,解釋這個 "顛覆" 作用的效益。

這個實驗所產生的作用上的分岥,起先並不明顯,直到你進行實驗,並且記錄實際的輸入和輸出的電壓與電流讀數。負載盤是設計來給你作為真實的 DC 功率 輸出的指示,因為必須同時測量流過負載兩端的電流以及其兩端的電壓,P = E x I。

藉著記錄驅動馬達的電流和電壓測量值,以及發電機輸出的電流和電壓測量值,你可以畫出 Group A and B的輸入與輸出的功率曲線當你看到這些功率曲線,你會注意到發電機對於更大負載的需求會維持較高的可用電性功率輸出。並且其會在短路時產生最小的剎車作用來延伸此效果,它的運轉就像是開路電路一樣

假如你對兩個 group 分別做出輸入功率曲線,你會看到Group A 的輸入功率曲線會像 Fig 34 A 的 BEMF 曲線一樣,幾乎是線性上升的。但是你會注意到 Group B 的輸入功率曲線看起來會像 Fig 34 B 的 BEMF 曲線一樣。開始時會上升,然後轉向下 - 幾乎回到線圈開始加上負載之前的地方程度!!! 所以,對於輸出短路的情況下,並不會比輸出開路時使用更多的功率。對於 Group A,短路是個災難。對於 Group B,短路只是小事一樁。

因為在短路時 "剎車作用(breaking effect)" 幾乎為零,對驅動馬達的拖曳是最小的,所以和輕負載比起來,它會維持在更高的轉速!!


一個價值6千萬元的問題,就是,這效應是怎麼回事呢?? 請看 Page 11 的說明。

I have given you all the little pointers you need to exaggerate and see this effect for yourself, and know that Adams really did discover something useful and have something to offer, even if it wasn't really what he thought it was.

But hey, a really easy to make alternator, that outstrips conventional induction means of generation whilst using less iron and copper is something special isn't it ? Sure can help to save a lot of money all round. Wind generators would really benefit from this type of generating system. Now"bend" those power and bemf curves - yeh!
