Page 7 : Cores and Coils - Continued 蕊心與線圈 (續)

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在 page 6 我們已看過如何利用 bi-filar 線圈來將需要的電流降到最低以及稍微增加轉矩。在這個 page 我們要看看幾個電路,其將再生能源卸載 (off-load)至次級電池或電容器。 We will discuss using the secondary winding of the bi filar as a charging source versus tapping directly into the supply winding. 最終將會引導我們至獨立的 "被動" 拾取發電線圈 ( "passive" pick-up generating coil)的討論,而且會開啟一道門讓我們通往 "anomoly" ,使我們能夠對它做檢驗!

在上面 Fig 20 的 Groups A and B 是兩個一樣的 bi-filar 繞線線圈。Group A 的繞線 A 連接至脈波電源,繞線 B 經由二極體 D1 連接至外部的電池 (或電容器)。Group B 的繞線 A 連接至脈波電源,繞線 B 經由橋式全波整流連接至外部的電池 (或電容器)。

在前一個page的 Fig 19 中,範例和說明中只考慮到,線圈對電源脈波的作用及反作用。因為二極體 D1 和電晶體 Q1 會擋掉其對應線圈繞線的所有逆向電流,then we neglected to examine any influence that the high speed changing magnetic field had in creating its own induced AC or Varying DC current into the coils. 我力求要將說明侷限在電源電流的界限之內,只是為了 KISS. (LOL)

在上面的 Fig 20 中,兩個 group 的次級繞線 B,與繞線A 的電源是電性反交連 (de-couple) 的,並且連接至其本身負載電池 (或電容器)。 繞線 B 也分別以二極體或橋式全波整流與其負載反交連(de-couple)。負載的電流不會逆向流回線圈的。

Group A will always take advantage of the pulsed supply, but it will only be influenced by the rotating magnets, when the current induced by the rotating magnets is in the same direction as that shown by the red arrow below winding B. This is because diode D1 only allows current through winding B in one direction. But Group B has a definite advantage as a generating coil because it will receive current from both directions induced by the magnets, shown by the red arrows below winding B, due to the full wave bridge, which allows this.

Once again however, "There is no punch without Judy", and in both circuits there will be losses. The regenerative energy is no longer available to the rotor as torque, or the supply as charge, but will instead be off-loaded out of the system. There may be a slight increase in supply current demand in both cases. And the generating capability advantage of Group B, can be quickly offset by supply demand, if too much load current is used from winding B. Also in both cases, the battery being charged has its own internal resistance (so does the supply) and therefore a small amount of the charging energy will always be lost within the battery itself.

在 page 6 的 Fig 19 中,只有少許的能量回饋至系統提昇轉矩,還有少許的能量則是電荷的形式。在 Fig 20 則是將所有的能量傳送至系統外部的另外的儲存裝置,以供稍後使用。在這兩種情況中,都不會得到超過輸入的能量,我們只是使用不同的方式回收一些能量來儘可能有效的運用整體輸入的能量。 And succeeding! Personally if I were using bi-filars for a drive coil, I would be hooking it up as in Fig 19 on page 6, then using the extra torque to power stand alone pick-up coils. 在開始檢視 pick-up coils (其為真正的課題)之前,讓我們來看下面 Fig 21 的另一個例子。

在上面的 Fig 21 中,圖形 A 繪示跨接至單繞線作用驅動線圈(single wound active drive coil)的直接交連的橋式全波整流。圖形 B 繪示跨接至繞線 B 的橋式全波整流是與繞線 A 反交連的,繞線 A 為連接至電源的作用驅動線圈(active drive coil)。

除了電路上的電性絕緣之外,還有什麼差別呢? 其中一個會比另一個更有效率嗎?

Coil A has no transference loss between two coils when utilizing the BEMF and CEMF of the leading and trailing edges of the pulses. In Coil setup A, there is a direct loop of all arising current from the pulse within the load and coil, while in Coil B, the load loop and supply loop are isolated but mutually reacting through the inductive core they share. Both Coil A and Coil B will charge a Secondary Battery, but when utilizing BEMF and CEMF there will be less loss in Coil A due to direct coupling. Both coils will experience the same Induced EMF from the magnets. Both circuits will suffer from supply current increase if the load is too great. E.G a really flat battery or a capacitor with zero charge in it.

Please note also that Coil B doesn't have to be-filar. It can be wound like a traditonal transformer, with a secondary coil wound first over the core, then a primary coil wound over the top. In this way you can step the output up for higher voltage, or down for greater currents. Read some basic transformer theory and apply it to your motors. Play around with the following parameters and you'll have fun. 大電流,低電壓,高電壓 (請注意安全),低電流。假如有什麼方式可以學習關於感應系統 (induction system) 中什麼是行得通的以及什麼又是行不通的,那麼 open system pulsed motor 就是了!

Fig 22 below shows a single active drive coil with either a full wave or half wave rectification. See below for explanation.

In Fig 22 A above a single coil with a full wave bridge can be seen as influenced by four possible current direction sources. Two from the supply in the form of BEMF and CEMF due to the pulse, and two from the magnets. Fig 22 B shows a single coil with diode can be seen as influenced by three possible current direction sources.

Now you might think that four is better than three, but you'll notice in this instance (and in fig 20(B) and fig 21 (A+B)) that the dashed red line in circuit A which represents one half cycle of the Induced Emf from the magnets is shown in opposite direction to all the rest. Thats because it arises at the same time as the "on" pulse, but it is in the opposite direction and is thus an oppositional vector not a complimentary one. If it is too great , it will negate some of the gains already made by the other three vectors and thus be counterproductive.

Across a wider range of load and duty cycle, circuit B will be more efficient than circuit A due to the fact that all induced flowing currents are complimentary and unidirectional with the supply current. Proving that KISS is the best in the end!

總結來說,若要絕對最大轉矩,而又吸取最小的電源電流,又要涵蓋寬廣範圍的 duty cycle,那麼使用如 page 6 的 Fig 19 所繪示的 bi-filar coil 接法。若是要對第二顆電池有最大的充電,而又轉矩損失最小,以及吸取最小的電源電流,那麼使用上面 Fig 22 所繪示的 circuit B 。

For anything else use your imagination! and let your understanding unfold! Also remember that the efficient operation of the above circuits is affected by duty cycle, and dwell angle and thus "Timing Factor", which will be discussed later in Optical-Switching. Now I keep referring to "Timing Factor" but really thats just because the terminolgy fits in with the way I have been discussing matters here. Simply - I hope! What I really should be referring to though is "Time Constants".

下面的連結是你必需要讀一讀的,讓你對 "時間常數 (Time Constant)" 能夠有更深入的瞭解,以及不同阻抗的線圈使得時間常數不同,對你的實驗造成的影響。

1. Particular reference to "heel end slugs" in relays.

2. 關於時間常數的討論

在下一個page,我們將要討論被動拾取發電線圈,heel end slugs, and that "anomoly" I keep talking about. That "anomoly" is the very thing that makes these motors so controversial! But it may not be what you expect !