Math Lab

Welcome! If you need any help or support in math, please stop by Math Lab for free math tutoring after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Conference Room C from 2:45-3:30!

Sponsor: Math Department


Google Classroom Code: mvsfrfg 

*we are not associated with Math Club, but there is some overlap in members

No need to sign in, just drop in whenever you want. See the spreadsheet below to find out who's tutoring on which days, and which classes are represented on each day. You can also come in just to have a quiet place to work on math. We also can schedule one-on-one tutoring if you reach out to us or fill out the tutor request form.

Come sign up as a tutor for CAS hours! Please fill out the sign-up form to be a one-on-one tutor or put your name in the spreadsheet to be a group tutor

Please join our google classroom too for any announcements about meetings.

To attend math lab, see the schedule below:

Monday - None

Tuesday - In-person (2:45-3:30) in Conference Room C

Wednesday - None

Thursday - In-person (2:45-3:30) in Conference Room C

Friday - None

Math Lab will be cancelled on half days and days when we have no school.