Chemistry Club

Meetings: Before Chemistry Tests in RM 209

Google Classroom Code: lnw4f5l

Sponsor: Mrs. Phillips

2023/2024 Board Members: 

Check out this presentation for a more visual summary of our club!


Tutoring: Tutoring is available for anyone who takes chemistry at the IA. If you are interested in finding a private student tutor, please fill out the form below and in our Google Classroom. Students and their tutors are free to figure out a schedule independently. 

Study Sessions: Weekly meetings are for preparing for upcoming tests. We will go over material that will be tested and provide practice problems. There will be at least one board member to facilitate meetings and answer questions. Every time we schedule a test review, an announcement will be made to the Google Classroom, so make sure to join if you plan to attend!

IB Exam Review: For Seniors, we'll be doing some IB Exam Review later in the year. Meeting notifications will be posted on Google Classroom. WE'll have more information on this later in the year.

Other: There are chemistry-related events outside of school that we may participate in, such as Chemistry Olympiad. These are fun opportunities to continue doing chemistry outside of school. For more formal events, we'll meet and prepare beforehand. It's a good opportunity to explore chemistry topics that we may not cover in school, so consider participating even if you aren't sure. 

Club Documents and Forms: