Spring in Avian by Bill Caldwell

The wind direction shifts and spring begins to arrive. The forest trees and animals and we are anxious.

Many early mornings the sky is overcast and gray – the season of spring time is near.

A drizzle followed by a cold rain, the impudent smell of the forest following the rain.

The sun begins to rise with bright golden rays streaking across the gray – blue horizon.

Avian forest the dwelling place of the hawks, doves, wood peckers and nuthatches begins to waken the dwellers from winter. .

Robins arrive cleaning the ground below the bird feeders, the chickadees, finches, flutter and cardinals’ call deep in the woods. A brown creeper cleans the bark on the hackberry.

Sap moves more rapidly in the trees and buds slowly swell and burst forth with flowers and leaves.

Shiny, shellac, sharp buds seem to shimmer with polish as they begin to open,

Wind rustles the ironwood trees and the leaves crackle as they blow.

Flying V’s of geese with their rhythmic honks, are heard high overhead as they fly northward.

I smell the unique smell of the soil when it is turned, while planting seeds and flowers.

The deer move gently, stopping to nibble at the mineral cake – Preparing to move through labor and birth.

Danes rockets shoot upwards and fill the forest with pink/purple colors

Spring brings resurrection of the plants and animals, the ground squirrels come out of hibernation, the oriole returns with his delightful song.

In the evening, a deep orange setting sun, a horizon pink orange with a blanket of purple clouds above.

Our spirits are also resurrected in preparation for Easter and its promise – “rise again”

Show us how to utilize our creative and random energy that surges through our hearts, mind, and bodies.

Fill our dreams unrestrained as spring – so we too experience a renewal. Spring brings us renewal and the promise of blessings, new hope, and fresh wisdom.

This beautiful poem is written by our friend, Bill Caldwell, who lives in Avian Forest. We are posting it in celebration of the life of Bill's loving wife Joyce.