Glastonbury Public Schools Grades 6-9 Mathematics

Placement/Levels FAQs

We have compiled the following list of frequently asked questions and answering concerning student placement and leveling in mathematics courses. We encourage parents and students to review this information. If further clarification is needed, please feel free to reach out to math teachers or the mathematics department.

Q. Why and when does “leveling” in math classes begin in Glastonbury Public Schools?

Instruction in mathematics is heterogeneous (not leveled) from Kindergarten through Grade 5. To meet the needs of developmentally and otherwise diverse learners, teachers use multiple instructional strategies to support students’ learning. Whole class instruction, modeling, group work, guided and independent practice, problem solving, math centers, manipulatives, experimentation, exploration, and technology are all used frequently in a typical mathematics class.

Such strategies are the mark of good teaching in this day and age and can be extremely successful. However, there are limits to what flexible teaching techniques can achieve, particularly in a sequential content area such as mathematics, where prerequisite skills and understanding play a critical role in student achievement and learning. Thus, in addition to employing a range of teaching approaches in classrooms, there are two levels in math beginning in Grade 6.

Q. What is the difference between leveling and tracking?

“Leveling” is distinct from the practice of “tracking.” In a “tracked” system, once students are placed in courses at a particular level, it becomes very difficult to change course. In traditional tracked systems, students tend to be placed in the same track for all subjects. In a “leveled” system, students have many ongoing opportunities to move up or down through levels when doing so becomes appropriate. Students are likely to take classes at different levels in different subject areas.

Q. Glastonbury has two designated "levels." What does "Level 1" and "Level 2" mean?

Beginning in Grade 6, students are grouped into two levels for mathematics instruction, Level 1 and Level 2. "Level 2" is for students who are achieving at grade level and able to handle the mathematical content at the expected and normal pace for this age. "Level 1" becomes a slightly accelerated course beginning in seventh grade.  However, in the last couple of years since the implementation of Common Core, students who are juniors in PreCalculus Level 2 still have the opportunity to take Calculus AB senior year. 

The words "Level 1" and "Level 2" come with unintended connotations that sometimes, unfortunately, convey the wrong impression. Level 2 is not a low level; it is a rigorous academic level of study. Level 1 is above and beyond the expected norm for the age or grade. It should be considered as an honors level of study.

Students in a Level 1 mathematics course are expected to:

In Grade 8, the Level 1 course is Algebra, a course more challenging than the high school Algebra 1 course. There are two Level 2 courses to meet students needs:

At the high school, Level 2 expands to offer more options for students and to better meet their different needs and goals. The Math Course Sequence chart shows these various options within each level.

Q. How is a student’s placement in a math course determined?

Course recommendations for students are made with two general factors in mind, challenge and success. The goal is to challenge every student at the appropriate level for that student by placing him/her in a class that will support his or her growth and success.

No single factor alone determines the placement. Teachers look for a preponderance of evidence to support the placement decision. Factors considered in the process are the student’s current mathematics class and performance, previous class performance, SBAC scores, other documented test scores, and the student’s maturity, motivation, and work ethic.

There is no crystal ball or formula to predict success with 100% certainty. However, we have reviewed and studied data and evidence of level placements over several years, and believe that the process and criteria used are reasonable and fair, and do indicate the most appropriate place for a student.

Placement Criteria  (link to view the criteria for placement in Grades 6th - 9th)

Student Self Reflection —This tool is designed to help students and parents consider the student's current work habits, strengths and weaknesses as they think about the correct academic course level. 

Q. What are the characteristics of a student ready for an accelerated pace, such as the honors level?

Q. How does placement impact participation in future math courses?

Our goal is always to remain flexible and responsive to students' needs as they change, develop, and mature. This is why there are more options once a student reaches the high school level.

Students who consistently prove mastery in 6th and 7th Grade Level 1 math courses are on pace for Algebra in Grade 8. A student does need to study Algebra in Grade 8 in order to have sufficient time to reach AP Calculus in Grade 12.

It is worth noting that although 32%-36% of students may take Algebra in Grade 8, 10%-15% of a graduating class completes AP Calculus before graduation. After reviewing trends in student performance data, students who take Algebra in Grade 8 with a final grade lower than B-, usually do not finish the math sequence all the way through AP Calculus before graduating from high school.

Q. I hear that algebra is critical for future success in mathematics. Should every student be enrolled in Algebra in Grade 8?

A quality math program prepares students for the successful study of algebra at the developmentally appropriate time for their individual need.

If a student is struggling in algebra, he/she is not learning the concepts. Because Algebra 1 is the foundation for all future mathematics courses, this can negatively impact the chance of success in each successive math course. Enrolling in and “taking” algebra 1 is not equivalent to learning and understanding the key concepts of algebra. Our primary concern is that each student is placed in a course where they will learn and be successful.

Please refer to the link below for more detailed information about the importance of readiness for Algebra. 

Q. I really think my child should give Algebra a try in Grade 8. What’s wrong with that?

Placement into an inappropriate level can have serious consequences that may even have a lasting impact on future learning.

If a student is struggling and becomes frustrated, they will not learn the content, concepts and skills at a level necessary for success in the present course or subsequent courses. This can have serious consequences as a student progresses to higher mathematics courses. If a student is struggling because they lack the necessary prerequisite skills for algebra, he or she may still lack these same skills by the end of algebra.

A student in Algebra in Grade 8 who earns a C or lower will be placed in Algebra again in ninth grade. The concepts and skills in Algebra 1 are important for future success in all subsequent math courses. A C in the 8th grade Algebra course indicates that a student has not mastered these key prequisites and will ultimately struggle later, especially in Algebra 2 and beyond.

Q. Is enrollment in Algebra in Grade 8 a prerequisite for placement in Level 1 science in Grade 9?

Algebra in Grade 8 is not a requirement for Level 1 Science in Grade 8 or for Level 1 Chemistry in Grade 9. It is not a matter of whether a student is enrolled in Transitions to Algebra or Algebra in 8th Grade, it is whether a student has mastered the skills taught in the course he/she takes. The necessary mathematics skills for science in these grades are computational skills, graphing skills, scientific notation, and basic algebra skills. All students are introduced to algebraic thinking and introductory algebra skills throughout Grades 6, 7, and 8.

Q. What should I consider if I think my child's math placement is inappropriate?

Q. What can I do if I still disagree with my child's placement in a math course?

If you disagree with or have questions concerning your child’s mathematics course placement you should first have a conversation with the teacher. Your child’s math teacher knows your child as a student in an academic environment.

To request a change in placement for Grades 6-8, you must complete the Request for a Change in Placement form available on the Smith webpage. The request will be reviewed by the administrative team. Please note that if a student has not met any of the criteria, it is unlikely that such a request is in the student’s best interest and it will not be honored.

Changes in placement for Grades 9-12 are handled through the GHS Guidance Department and the Director of Mathematics. Please remember that a student must meet the prerequisites for a course before any change will be considered.

For any requested change in course placement, please be aware of the following:

The decision to request an override must be considered carefully by both parent and student. One question to ask is "will I be satisfied with a lower grade, such as a C?" A 'C' grade will not be considered grounds to change a student's schedule back to the original recommended course/level.