Grades K-5 Mathematics

Problem Solving

Problem Solving:  A District-wide Elementary Initiative

Problem solving is the central focus of mathematics. It is the process by which students explore mathematics and the purpose of learning mathematics. The goal is not to perform isolated computations, but rather to be able to apply varied math skills to solve problems. One objective of problem solving instruction is to enable students to use their repertoire of math skills to solve problems. But it takes more than isolated math skills to be an effective problem solver. It also takes:

photo of students working on math papers

To promote and encourage problem solving, classroom teachers reference specific common problem solving stategies embedded throughout lessons in Grades 1 through 5. Two components of this instruction include the problem solving process and problem solving strategies. Students have multiple opportunities to practice and expand their problem solving skills throughout the year. 

Problem Solving Process

Make Sense of the Problem.

Model the situation with math.

Find one or more solutions.

Look back to see if it makes sense.

Repeat steps when necessary!

Problem Solving Strategies