Glastonbury Public Schools Mathematics Department

General Website Links

Mathematics Education

Figure This - Family Math Corner 

Figure This - Challenges

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is the world's largest organization dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of mathematics from prekindergarten through high school. NCTM is a nonprofit, nonpartisan education association. NCTM's mission is to ensure the highest-quality mathematics education for all students.

This section of the State Department of Education includes the state publications for curriculum, instruction, and assessment in mathematics. You can find information about the Math Frameworks, Model Math Curriculum, and the Smarter Balance Assessment.

The Math Forum is a leading center for mathematics and mathematics education on the Internet. Operating under Drexel University, their mission is to provide resources, materials, activities, person-to-person interactions, and educational products and services that support teaching and learning. The online community includes teachers, students, researchers, parents, educators, and citizens at all levels who have an interest in math and math education.

Problem Solving, Puzzles, and Math Fun

Fun math activities to do at home with your children designed to encourage the play in mathematics.

This website is a joint venture of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the US Department of Education, offers families, teachers, and tutors mathematical activities helpful for encouraging problem solving with students.

Another great part of the Math Forum website from Drexel University's School of Education.

The idea behind the site is to offer mathematics as well as some fun bits, and to combine the two wherever possible.The main content of the site is aimed at basic math skills. However you will find some more complex stuff, and some easier bits. Hopefully there should be something for everybody.

Great website that provides thinking problems for students and helps improve problem solving in mathematics.

Great challenge puzzles involving math operations combined with problem solving and logic skills.

Math strategies and game that think outside the box.

Great website for mathematical tasks for all ages - put your thinking cap on and tackle these math problems.  Appropriate struggle to growing your brain and thinking encouraged!

Mathematics Clubs and Competitions

The focus of this organization is to improve student interest and ability to problem solve through competitions for middle and high school students.

The CAMPY Website was developed as a resource for students who are especially interested in mathematics. The CAMPY Website will link students with information about math enrichment programs and opportunities.

Information about middle school math competition and challenges.

Specifically for Parents

U.S. Dept. of Education site with fun activities that parents can use with children from preschool age through grade 5 to strengthen their math skills and build strong positive atttiudes toward math.

This site focuses primarily on counting with young children. Through videos and quick lesson, It gives parents easy-to-use activities that teach and engage children in math. 

Math Sites that Provide Extra Help

Free online lessons and practice

A kid-friendly dictionary from Australia.

An interactive math glossary for students in kindergarten through grade 6 that provides a searchable database of math terms, accompanied by illustrations and animated examples.

A feature provided by the Math Forum. This site is a question and answer service for K-12 math students and teachers; a searchable archive is available by level and topic, together with an FAQ.

An engaging site for elementary and middle school students to practice their math skills through games, logic puzzles, word problems, and math videos.

Help to understand fractions better when modeled with circle and number lines through engaging practice and games.

A mixture of sound, humor, color, animation and graphics with lots of help for the "math anxious" student. Its aim is to give students a self-directed and entertaining way to learn basic math and algebra. Developed for community college students, but teachers will find useful information about the needs of basic math students of all ages.

This site provides worksheets and lessons with step-by-step explanations, as well as calculators and other algebra resources.

MathBits Notebook

This site is a series of lesson and practice pages for students studying math, starting in Grade 6.  Lessons are prepared in alignment with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.