Glastonbury Public Schools Mathematics Department

Enduring Understandings 

Through the Development of Enduring Understanding of Mathematics,  students learn that math makes sense.


Number:  What is a number and why do people need numbers? 

Grade 1 

Flexibility with Numbers - Equality:  What is equality? 

Grade 2 

Place Value:  How does understanding place value help a mathematician solve problems with numbers? 

Grade 3 

Decomposition:  How do breaking numbers and whole units into parts help build number sense and fluency? 

Grade 4 

Structure:  How are the four arithmetic operations related to each other? 

Grade 5 

Part/whole:  Why are there multiple ways to represent parts of a whole? 

Grade 6 

Unknowns:  How can symbolic representation of an unknown in a problem help us to solve problems? 

Grade 7 

Proportional Relationships:  What is a proportional relationship and how can proportional relationships help us to solve problems? 

Grade 8 

Algebra:  What is algebra? 

Algebra I 

Functions:  What is a function and how can understanding function families help us to solve problems? 


Reasoning:  How do mathematicians learn and justify their discoveries? 

Algebra II 

Features of Functions:  How do function families behave and how can understanding the behaviors help us to make predictions and solve problems?

Pre Calculus

Motion:  How do functions and equations model motion?