Glastonbury Public Schools Mathematics Department

SAT Math Review

Are you planning to take the SAT soon?

Kahn Academy links with your College Board account and imports the results from your PSAT and SAT data.  You have access to personalized practice based upon your needs.

Kahn Academy analyzes your scores and lets you know where your areas of weakness are to give you personalized practice.  With the support from the site, you can set a practice schedule.  There are full practice tests that you can print out or take online.  If you take the practice test on line, you will be given a score so that you can monitor your progress.

Here is the link to Khan Academy:

image of "Daily Practice SAT" button.

Get the College Board  SAT App for daily practice.

You have a great deal of control over your success on the Math Portion of the SAT.  Practice, practice practice!

The Math Department wishes you great personal success!