Welcome to the Philosophy Department

Tom Stoneham

Head of Department

Welcome to those of you new to York and welcome back to those of you who have studied with us before. I really hope you enjoy your time with us as a postgraduate researcher, taking advantage of the Department's collegial approach and rich research environment. As we continue to adapt to the 'new normal', we want to ensure you do not feel isolated or unsupported. All our academic and professional staff are friendly and approachable and you can drop in - possibly virtually! - to ask a question or have a chat whenever you need it. We all enjoying talking to other philosophers. I look forward to meeting you all!

Greg Currie

Director of PG Researchers

As the convenor of postgraduate researchers in philosophy I want to ensure that you are able to work productively and enjoy what we have to offer: a rich and exciting research community with regular colloquia, visitors, workshops and conferences, as well as reading groups and social events. I will value hearing about your experience with the Department at any stage. I am also the next port of call after your supervisor for questions or problems you may have to do with any aspect of your life as a PG researcher at York. I look forward to meeting you. Don't hesitate to get in touch!

Janet Eldred

PG Researcher Administrator

From time to time, you’ll have questions about how things work in the department. Everyone on staff is approachable and will happily point you in the right direction. I’m here to help with your various department-related admin tasks. I look forward to getting to know you and helping you settle into your time with us. Do say hello, in person or via Zoom – (virtual or actual) coffee assured!

Sam Dickson and Ellie Byrne

PG Student Life Coordinators

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns about life as a postgraduate researcher at the University of York Philosophy Department, please don’t hesitate to drop us an email at philosophy-pg-social@york.ac.uk. Also, if you have any suggestions for social events for the upcoming year, please let us know!

Being a research student is not just about completing your thesis (or equivalent) and obtaining a research degree. Research students are part of a research community, which is itself part of the wider University community. We hope that you will flourish as part of this community, and make the most of your time at York.

May your time with us be rewarding and fun!