Department Office

Philosophy Department Office


The Philosophy Department is based in the Sally Baldwin Buildings, Block A. The offices of the academic and departmental administrative staff are here. The Philosophy Colloquia are typically held in the departmental seminar room I/A/009, while staff work-in-progress (WiP) seminars are typically held in the Humanities Research Centre (HRC).

Opening Hours

Our building is generally open from 8.30am to 5.00pm during term time, with shorter hours outside of term. There is usually at least one member of the administrative staff team available each weekday in the Reception Office (opening hours 10.00am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4.00pm).

Academic staff members’ office hours are posted in the lobby. Grimston House is locked outside of normal office hours. If you expect to need access to either building outside of these hours, please contact Julie Kay, our Department Manager, to arrange this.


Meetings with your supervisor should be arranged directly between you and your supervisor, and either of you may request a meeting. It’s helpful if you arrange your next meeting at the end of each meeting you have. If your supervisor is on research leave, they are still required to provide supervision for you, although this may take place via a platform such as Zoom or Skype, rather than in person.

You may wish to discuss your work with other members of staff, who will usually be willing to do so. You should contact them directly in their office hours or by email, but remember that they are unlikely to have time to comment on substantial pieces of writing. As members of staff change from time to time, please first look at the most up-to-date list.