Formal Reviews of Progress (PhD / MPhil)


All PhD and MPhil postgraduate researchers (but not MA/MSc by research postgraduate researchers) are subject to formal reviews of progress. The purpose of formal reviews of progress is to ensure that you are making satisfactory progress with your research project and other elements of your PhD or MPhil programme. A formal review of progress should give you a clear sense of the progress you are making on your degree but the decision of a progression panel does not serve as a prediction for the outcome of the final examination.

Formal reviews of progress take place on an annual basis, towards the end of each year of enrolment, for full-time PhD and MPhil postgraduate researchers, and on a biennial basis for part-time PhD and MPhil postgraduate researchers. Formal reviews of progress are not required for entry into a continuation period, where this is permitted.

You have a maximum of two opportunities to meet the relevant University progression criteria at each formal review of progress. If you have not met the relevant University progression criteria after two attempts you will have failed the progression point and will be transferred to an alternative programme or your enrolment will be terminated.


In a formal review of progress, you will be assessed against University progression criteria which set out the threshold requirements for progression to the next year (or equivalent period for part-time postgraduate researchers).

The assessment is undertaken by a progression panel, which is independent of your supervisor(s) to gain an external perspective on the progress that you are making, and to ensure that your relationship with your supervisor remains focused on your development as a researcher.

Your Progression Panel

In Philosophy, progression panels are individually appointed for each PG researcher and include the non-supervisory TAP member(s) and a chair. The Director of PG researchers serves as chair, unless that individual is your supervisor or your TAP member, in which case another senior member of the department will be appointed as the chair. (NB: It may be that the constitution of the second-year progression panel changes from that of the first-year panel, due to staffing changes and research leave, etc.) The exact constitution of your progression panel will be determined early in your first academic year, normally within three months of registration, and you will be notified by email.

In the Philosophy department, Year 1 progression panels are integrated with TAP 2 and Year 2 progression panels integrated with TAP 4. ‘Integration’ means that the progression review panel (in the absence of the supervisor) will work with the student to deliver the developmental aspect of the TAP meeting and to complete the TAP form alongside the progression review form.

Prior to the progression panel meetings, the department will host an annual PGR Progression Day, which will also be a celebration of all of our department’s PG researchers. In 2021-22, this will be on Monday, 20th June 2022. Year 1 PGRs will make a presentation and their supervisors, TAP members and progression panel members will attend, with other PGRs and staff welcome to attend. There will normally be a social event afterwards.

The tables below in the Progress Review Meeting section, titled "Timetable and evidence required for Philosophy department progression", indicate what evidence the Philosophy department’s PhD and MPhil PG researchers should provide to demonstrate that they have met the relevant University progression criteria. The evidence you provide is considered alongside a supervisor’s report on your progress, submitted prior to the meeting, and agreed TAP reports.