Governance and Committees

York Graduate Research School Board and Standing Committee on Assessment

The York Graduate Research School Board and the Standing Committee on Assessment are the major University bodies dealing with graduate affairs. Standing Committee on Assessment has responsibility for making the final decisions at a number of important points in an individual student’s career. It has student representation for discussion of general graduate matters.

Arts and Humanities (A&H) Faculty Board

The Arts and Humanities (A&H) Faculty Board provides oversight of academic and related matters through its broader membership which includes, inter alia, elected academic members and student representation. It is not a formal decision-making body.

Arts and Humanities Ethics Committee (AHEC)

The Arts and Humanities Ethics Committee (AHEC) is responsible for ensuring research is conducted in compliance with the University’s ethical standards. There is PG researcher representation on AHEC.

Board of Studies (BoS) in Philosophy

The Board of Studies (BoS) in Philosophy is the Department’s governing academic committee. It determines and co-ordinates all matters of academic policy and practice, and comprises members of the academic staff, plus one taught postgraduate, one postgraduate research and three undergraduate representatives. It meets twice a term. In 2021-22, the meetings will take place in Weeks 6 and 10 (term 1) and Weeks 3 and 6, (terms 2 and 3). The chair is Rob Trueman.

Research Forum in Philosophy

The Research Forum in Philosophy, of which all academic staff and PG researchers are members, meets in the Spring and Summer terms (normally in Week 10) to hear from the Departmental Research Committee (DRC) concerning progress towards departmental research goals and to advise DRC. It is a non-decision-making, consultative body. PG researchers have a representative to the Forum.