Thesis Submission

Before Submitting

You should discuss your submission plans with your supervisor, though ultimately it is your decision when to submit your thesis for examination. About two months before you expect to submit your thesis, you should complete the ‘Intention to Submit’ Form. Completing this allows the department to make the necessary arrangements for your examination. You do not need to be overexact in calculating your submission date, provided that you adhere to your deadline for submission.

When to Submit

You must submit your thesis by the final deadline, though it is a good idea to plan to submit long before that, in order to give yourself time to deal with unexpected events in both your research and your personal life. You can see your submission deadline in your SkillsForge account.

Should you have a request for an extension to submission pending at the time of your deadline, you are strongly advised to submit a digital contingency copy of your thesis in order to avoid automatic failure for non-submission should your extension not be approved. The PGRA can provide details on how to submit your contingency copy.

How to Submit

Theses are required to be prepared and submitted for examination as specified in the University's requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure that the thesis reaches the PGRA by the deadline.